A number of experienced detailers on the DW UK forum refer to LR RR paint as being 'soft' & 'sticky' & 'thin' in places.
There is lots of info on there. Try the DW search engine by typing in 'Range Rover paint' as a starting point, if not already done.
These 2 links might help start you off & although reference is made to the RRS, if you PM or Email or phone the main detailers that the OP relate to, the type of people they are, they might well enjoy advising you about your particular car from a well informed position (the first link is good in that he tells/ shows you what he used and how he did it):
I'm no expert but in addition to hand prepping with IronX, Tardis & BH regular clay, I've used a Sealey 1800 rpm single speed heavy duty rotary polisher with just a Farecla foam polishing pad attached to apply Farecla G3 scratch remover, a hose on tap to cool panels whist machining and then applying AG SRP. Through being careful, no harm is done to the paint which comes up well and a gloss finish can even be achieved on the originally matt black window pillars.
Hope this is of some assistance also.