Starting issue-early stages-ignition switch maybe | |
Went out with some friends last night and when I went to leave around 11pm the RR would not start. Key in, all the normal clicks and whirs, key turns steering wheel lowers then a strange noise at the point of ignition hard to describe but no starter turning the engine, even more odd the headlights came on and air suspension inactive pinged at me...... all I could think of was to disconnect the battery earth let it rest for 10 mins re connect and try to start it........low and behold fired up, had to do lock to lock and all the faults cleared.............drove home dropped friends off but never turned the car off until I got home. When I turned it off at home tried to start it again and it would not start doing all as I described above........
Went to bed and in the morning I would try to start the RR as you do and would you believe it fired up first time and 3 times since then..........good in one way but annoying in another as I am wondering if I have the makings of an ignition switch fault that is intermittent at the moment. This fault appears to be well written about for L322's on the net.
I also read the thread from Johnte and it feels very much the same..
Having taken some of the centre console apart to be sure the location of the potential faulty item it appears if I do change this the whole centre consol needs to come out. What I was not clear on from the treads on here is if it’s a plug and play part if I change it or does it need the intervention of the LR diagnostic tool to set to your ignition so is it key’s the part in the thread with the photo I linked on here if I’m correct in my assumptions that this is my issue. I guess it may be worth cleaning but not sure how successful this really is .........any thoughts................