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Member Since: 07 Jun 2011
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Bonatti Grey
Good examples not always set by some...

I wonder if the cyclist raised a complaint against the officer for undertaking and possibly not driving with due care and attention to other road users?

IIRC the only time you should undertake if ever is if your lane is going in a different direction, ie slip road from one motorway to another and such like though its possibly wrong.. FFRR MY06 facelift With TDV8 Alloys Zeros/ATR's
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Post #150375 9th Nov 2012 11:17am
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both in the wrong me thinks...the cyclist should have kept to the nearside lane and the police officer should have not undertaken...i'm not against cyclists but i can see the police officers frustration when there's a bike in the way and you cant get by... ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #150376 9th Nov 2012 11:26am
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Member Since: 18 Jun 2012
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It looks as though the marked car was protecting the first FFRR and trying to keep up - the cyclist should of pulled back in until he was nearer the turn ahead not sat in the middle of the lane holding everyone up IMHO Confused

I see it all the time and 2 abreast chatting too Rolling Eyes

I have done a lot of cycling in my time but always kept tight to side of road and moved out at last possible moment if turning Thumbs Up

Unfortunately there are a lot of cyclists out there with a chip on there shoulder and they don't pay road tax either Whistle

There is a lot of drivers with chips on their shoulder too I admit Laughing Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

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Post #150378 9th Nov 2012 11:35am
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Bonatti Grey

I see both sides too Stan Sad But for me I'd have done the cyclists method and stuck to the normal Traffic lane as he did as not being a bus in a bus lane can still get a cyclist in trouble technically Wink

And yes i know it shows Cycles on it but that shows on cycles CAN use it, not MUST use it and as i have found out in the smoke before. They really dislike you using them and with the grids and tramlines in them, they are dangerous to use so best to keep away!

The PC/Officer should not have buzzed him that close. he had the whole lane and you can see him swerve in front of the cyclist and then storm off at speed without doing as requested and supplying his tag's. IIRC they cant refuse that kind of request can they? Notice how the actual FFRR Owner earlier in the video was much more courteous and observant... thats a true FFRR driver not a playboy one.... FFRR MY06 facelift With TDV8 Alloys Zeros/ATR's
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Post #150379 9th Nov 2012 11:37am
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Member Since: 07 Jun 2011
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Bonatti Grey

I stay the reccomended 2-3foot minimum from the curb. If your too close and get buzzed you can clip it and go flying and even a grid can be enough Sad They could have been trying to keep up with the one in front but that gives no excuse for their discourtesy, it could have been handled so much better. FFRR MY06 facelift With TDV8 Alloys Zeros/ATR's
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Post #150380 9th Nov 2012 11:43am
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actually, looking at the video again ,i would go with Muddy's theory that the police officer was some kind of protection unit for the grey fullfat....if that was the case then i think he was well within his rights to do what he did because his duty was to 'stay' as close to the grey range as possible... ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #150382 9th Nov 2012 11:57am
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Bonatti Grey

As a visible protection unit they should have assessed the situation before it occurred and thus advised the front vehicle to what was happening and that they were still within eyesight but would catch up when safe to do so.

Being close isn't the real problem in that situation but staying in eye shot is. I'd say they were Armed Escort type unit and should have known better. As soon as they wound down the window they introduced a risk they should not have and left their escorted party open to interception. That cyclist could have had ANYTHING on him that could have quickly come out and those officers wouldn't have stood a chance as they seemed far to easily distracted from their task they had been assigned. If I was their superior I would be asking them to make a choice.

Apologise to the cyclist or start on a report on why they thought it safe whilst both vehicles at complete stop, to increase their potential for attack and put their escorted party at increased risk. FFRR MY06 facelift With TDV8 Alloys Zeros/ATR's
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Post #150387 9th Nov 2012 12:34pm
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Member Since: 18 Jun 2012
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American police would probably of had him on the ground or shot him viewing him as a security risk Laughing

Having a go at an armed/marked police officer shows how times have changed - I would of kept my head down and carried on my way if no harm done Embarassed Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

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Post #150389 9th Nov 2012 12:45pm
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But if everyone does that they will slowly get worse and worse or closer and closer until.... SPLAT.

If conventions are not challenged we can not improve ourselves. FFRR MY06 facelift With TDV8 Alloys Zeros/ATR's
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Post #150391 9th Nov 2012 12:51pm
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Undertaking is not illegal. If it was Co-op funerals would go out of business.

Overtaking on the left however, is a bit of a grey area - i.e. you must not, but, like I before E, there are many exceptions.

Post #150439 9th Nov 2012 3:07pm
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I've cycled thousands of miles and it's only in the past few years we have seen these arseholes with cameras who think they know it all and are quick enough to post on youtube. They seem to be on some sort of witch hunt against the motorist and the aggression they show is terrible, if a motorist were to have the same body language and manner they would be accused of road rage. Then when it suits them they go through red lights, mount pavements, push up on the inside removing door mirrors, cycle 3 abreast, swerve in front of motorists...the list goes on.

All cyclists should be made to sit a theory test and a road test, they should all be insured and taxed and all cycles should be tested annually...

Post #150458 9th Nov 2012 4:32pm
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That was a bit close. At least from the cyclists cam, which may obscure the distnces.

Are we ignoring the fact plod were using the Bus Lane. ? At that time was the lane usable by all ? In which case, the cyclist should have been using it. (ie driving on the left) If its not for use by all traffic at that time, cyclist was in correct position, and plod should have at least made the cyclist aware of his presence and intention to press on through.

Don't think there is much more to say is there ? 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

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Post #150462 9th Nov 2012 5:11pm
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The copper's FF didn't look very armoured. I think he was also on escort duty, as soon as the lights went green the conversation/argument was over! What he should have done is apply cruse, get passenger to hold the wheel then hang out the window with MP5 or Glock and take the cyclist down! Thumbs Up Whistle [img][img/]
04, 4.4V8, Vogue Oslo Blue with LPG.
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Post #150535 10th Nov 2012 12:19pm
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I used to curse cars for being so bloody rude to cyclists (I lived close to Delft, a University town, so a much higher density of cyclist than in an average Dutch town, at least in those days). Then I turned 18 and got my first motorbike and from that day I started cursing cyclists and understanding car drivers and motorbike riders.

In Holland there is a relatively high percentage of cyclists on the road. While on the special bike paths (best invention in the traffic world) things go well. As soon as cyclists have to share the road things get hairy sometimes. I hate (as a car driver/biker) cyclist riding 2 or 3 abreast (illegal in Holland, mind you) because they spill into the car lane. Furthermore Dutch law automatically puts a car driver/biker at fault when there is an incident between a car/motorbike and bicycle and it is up to the driver/rider to prove the cyclist was at fault. This is to "protect" the "weaker" cyclist (same goes for pedestrians).

So in short, when cycling I stay as far from the car/bike lanes as I can and play it safe. Hit and runs will probably be on the rise in Holland (due to above mentioned law) as I have not noticed any difference in cars in Dutch traffic around cyclists.

Same actually goes on the motorbike, I just play it safe (and accelerate away from potential trouble as fast as I can usually Very Happy ) because no matter how "right" you are, when you get hit, you are the one hurting physically, not the bloody car.

In the car I give cyclists as much space as I can give them, poor bastards are in the cold/windy/rain and that is bad enough and when I meet the as*wipe cyclist, I just laugh and think "your time will come when you get hit but it is not me that will do that, some other poor sod will" MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
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Post #150538 10th Nov 2012 1:13pm
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Having worked for a while in Maastricht, I agree that having the cycle lane does work at keeping them out of the way of other traffic. Yes, they have precedence over all other traffic - including pedestrians - and are prone to just blat straight across at junctions.

But, that was in a planned environment with the space to do it - trying to get that cycle lane on some of the rush-hour B-class roads around here where cyclists so thoughtfully allow us motorists to queue behind them would prove impossible.

So, a compromise - everywhere there's space put a dedicated cycle lane - where there's not, ban cyclists from using that stretch of the road - that will keep them safe so surely they can't argue against it?

BTW, there is a difference between 'passing on the nearside' and 'undertaking' - if the former wasn't permitted and part of normal driving, then, for example, whenever the vehicles, or single vehicle, a lane to your right was moving slower than you, you would have to slow down to it's speed. Undertaking is identified by the deliberate maneuvering around the nearside of another vehicle (not in itself illegal, since the vehicle being maneuvered around may have broken down/had an accident) 2012 FFRR Westminster Orkney / Ivory and absolutely no pimp-glass!

Post #150648 11th Nov 2012 1:21pm
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