Shiney clean Range Rover, but not for long! | |
This moring I went out & gave our L322 a really good clean. With inside now immaculate I turned my attention to the outside. I applied a fresh coat of MER polish & set about removing the wheels to give them the gold standard clean using alloy wheel cleaner & a stiff wheel cleaning brush on the insides. The wheels were waxed & the tyres given a coat of dressing, even the wheel nuts were polished. I was busy thinking wonderful the Range Rover looks superb when out sails SWMBO & announces that she needed the L322 to tow the horse trailer "for a friend" who's in need of help. This friend lives on a farm on a particularly bumpy puddle filled rough road. I resisted from swearing (only just) & the whole point of this story is that I simply wanted to say aarrghhhhhh to like minded Range Rover owners! Now I'm going for a lie down, many thanks for reading my tale of woe.
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Admin note: this post has had its images recovered from a money grabbing photo hosting site and reinstated The reason women's minds are cleaner than a mans mind is that women change their minds more often!
When women say fine a mans in deep doodoo as fine has so many meanings.
Last edited by ambulancekidd on 21st Sep 2012 5:46pm. Edited 2 times in total