Plenty of the Disco 3 boys have tried this and report differing results. Reading about the properties of the recommended stuff (JASO FC) it seems that it is designed to lubricate rather than burn, and when it does finally burn it is a low ash output to prevent damage to O2 sensors & CATs etc.
Personally, from what I've read, I can only form the opinion that it might be beneficial in winter with the ultra low sulphur blends of diesel that have extra solvent added to prevent waxing. Even then, it'd only lubricate the HP pump mainly, and these are not renowned for causing trouble on any of the TDV series engines.
Conclusion: Spend the money on summat else.
My own opinion on a lot of this "Let's add everything we can think of to an engine" thinking is that the rumours get started by people who have a vested financial interest in selling the product. I have lived in the USA where oil (lube) shops adorn almost every shopping mall. Not a lot of people with cars over 2 years old use the dealer, these places are popular. And guess what......yep, you can buy every snake oil additive known to man in these places. You can form your own opinions from here.