Changing tyres maybe a silly question | |
Sorry of this is a stupid question and I have also done a search...
I had a flat tyre on my L322 and took it to a tyre shop to see if they cold replace or fix. They took the car and i waited in reception and tyre guy comes BAck 10 mins saying sorry don't have the tyres an decant fix it.
So end up driving to another garage as tyre guy inflates tyre a little for mew, on the way steering is shaking and air suspension is off/ lopsided.
Take it to garage they freak out and call the RR guy who takes the keys starts doing something and the the car is jacked up all fours one go.... Massive pop then happens !!! They change tyres and try to adjust the ride height ...I have rear in the air and front on the ground the air suspension is gone and not car not drivable. They ask me to pay up and tell me the air susp is gone and take it another garage. Car is recovered and now being fixed at my reliable RR specialist. However I've heard that to change tyres the car must be in access mode or off road mode.....
What is the right answer tom change the tyres and is possibly is the garage responsible for the the damage.,,.???!!