What is the seller saying is so much more reliable in the 2007. Unless he can back up that comment with verifiable facts I'd avoid buying from somebody who will lie or blah in order to try to get a sale.
Any S/C will be susceptible to gearbox issues. Mine just had a rebuild at 87k. With hindsight, the symptoms of the problem were present when I acquired it with 76k.
It may be frustrating that cars are priced in such a wide range for the same year, but it's all about condition. I'm selling my 2005, and it's probably on of the ones you referred to at £20k. I know it's strong money for the car, but I've spent £15k on getting it right, over the last 7 months, so the next buyer won't have to.
To my mind you have a choice, you spend the money on buying the right car, or you buy a bit cheaper and then spend a lot more.
Maybe I'm wrong though, Range Rover-less at the moment - Pining!