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Member Since: 03 Nov 2011
Location: Melton Mowbray
Posts: 55

2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey
Service Indicator and Diagnostic tools

Hi All

please exuse me if this has been covered before but I am just after some clarification on a couple of things.....

Firstly, my 2005 FFRR (pre face lift but touch screen model) is due for a service, which a friend of mine is going to do, however, as an independent who tends to specialise in Landrovers and older RR he hasnt got any diagnostic kit etc.

So firstly, how do you reset the service indicator once he has completed the service

Secondly, if I was to get a code reader etc - which one would give me the functionalility to diagnose any faults and clear the codes......not really that bothered about tweaking with things (although if I had the function I proabbly would!)


Post #108090 19th Feb 2012 5:29pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2012
Location: Genesee, Colorado
Posts: 147

United States 2005 Range Rover HSE 4.4 V8 Chawton White

IIDTool is the only way to go.

Service Interval Reset:

RAVE wrote:

Service Interval Indicator Reset Procedure
The service interval can be reset with the following procedure using the instrument pack buttons. TestBook/T4 can also be used to reset the service interval indicator by connecting to the diagnostic socket and following the reset procedure.
NOTE: The distances and dates shown are examples only and not necessarily representative of actual messages displayed.
Check and Reset Procedure
1 Ensure that the ignition is switched off.
2 Press and hold the LH instrument pack button.
3 With the button held, switch the ignition on to position I (AUX).
4 Continue to hold the LH instrument pack button for a further 5 seconds, until the “SIA RESET” appears.
5 The message centre will display the distance to service status as “RESET SIA: 3600km/mls” and the type of
6 Check that the reset distance limit has been reached.
a If yes, proceed to step 9.
b If no, proceed to step 7.
7 Press the LH button once. The message centre will display the date to service status as “RESET SIA: 03.12”.
8 Check that the reset date limit has been reached.
a If yes, proceed to step 11.
b If no, proceed to step 10.
9 When the distance reset limit has been reached or exceeded, press and hold the LH button for 5 seconds.
“RESET” flashes in the message centre five times.
a If the LH button is not pressed again before the fifth flash of “RESET”, the reset will not be performed. The
message centre will display “END SIA: 3600 km/miles” for 5 seconds and the display will change to the
service date “RESET SIA: 12.03”.
b If the LH button is pressed before the fifth flash of “RESET”, the service distance will be reset. The message
centre will display the new service distance “END SIA: 25000 km/miles” for 5 seconds. The service date will
then be displayed.
10 Press the LH button once. The message centre will display “END SIA” for 2 seconds. This ends the service
interval check and reset.
11 When the date reset limit has been reached or exceeded, press and hold the LH button for 5 seconds. “RESET” flashes in the message centre five times.
a If the LH button is not pressed again before the fifth flash of “RESET”, the reset will not be performed. The
message centre will display “END SIA: 03.12” for 5 seconds. “END SIA” will be displayed for a further 2
seconds and the service interval and check will be ended.
b If the LH button is pressed before the fifth flash of “RESET”, the service date will be reset. The message
centre will display the new service date “END SIA: 04.12” for 5 seconds. “END SIA” will be displayed for a
further 2 seconds and the service interval and check will be ended.
The service interval indicator system can only be reset again after 2 1 / 2 gallons (10 litres) of fuel has been recorded as used by the instrument pack.
2000 NAS HSE
2005 NAS HSE

Post #108156 20th Feb 2012 12:48am
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Member Since: 05 Feb 2012
Location: Dumfries
Posts: 9

Scotland 2008 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.2 SC V8 Stornoway Grey

Hi ,I like the sound of the Gap IID diagnostic tool as im a mechanic and grudge having to pay for fault coding and module coding at dealers.However does anybody know if this plug in unit would work ok on my vehicle as I have previously fitted in the earlier Wired EAS Contoller from Gap Innovation - which has been brilliant but would be working over the same system - the cruise control buttons . Range Rover Overfinch Vogue SE 4.2 Supercharged.

Post #108342 20th Feb 2012 10:30pm
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DeRanged Rover

Member Since: 16 Feb 2012
Location: London
Posts: 379

United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Vogue SE Td6 Java Black

Just got the iid tool - !!!

Had a play and it certainly has a lot of functionalities! But how does one reset the service/inspection notification?

Cheers! African Bush Junkie ... in London!

2006 TD6 Vogue SE
1972-2015 DeRanged Rover
2001 P38 dHSE (SOLD)

Post #127420 24th Jun 2012 2:10pm
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