My 2011 Vogue SE arrived in May , chuffed to bits and really fantastic to drive. Unfortunately it had a fault which put it in limp mode and off it went to my local dealer. A replacement RR sport was delivered to my workplace and although it was a scruffy , scratched up and generally wrecked hire car it served the purpose for a week or so. When I was told that my car would possibly be in the garage for 4-5 weeks whilst they awaited a part on back order I gently complained to Landrover customer care that having spent a lot of money on this car the least they could do was to supply me with the same model .Although their policy is to keep you mobile in this case they delivered me a brand new Vogue SE ( 100 miles on the clock) which I had for nearly a month.
When the car finally came back I drove less than 300 miles over a period of 3 weeks ( 2 weeks in a carpark) before the same fault reoccured and again back in the garage for another 3 weeks. A RRS delivered to work and a promise of a part on back order. By now I was feeling that LR had my car for longer than I had and as the delay was because they using the parts to build new cars rather than fix existing customers cars I decided I would reject the car back to the dealer. I subsequently found that it now needed a new engine. The dealer in Peterborough who I am sure wont mind me mentioning them immediately passed my concerns on to LR and within 24 hours came back with an offer to return my car to me with a new engine and let me use that whilst they order me a brand new 2012 model for delivery in November.
I should point out that this didn't take any threatening letters , solicitors or heated telephone calls just a quiet word with the dealer. I have had numerous calls from customer care checking at all stages that I am happy and just wanted to say WELL DONE LANDROVER - 1st Class Customer Care and Well done Marshalls. VOGUE SE 2011