Changing the differential fluids - Is this normal? | |
Two odd things:
Rear Diff: RAVE says to torque fill plug to 25nm. I feel like this is so extreme for such a little plug. It kept just working its way into the housing without reaching even 20nm. Worried I might mess something up I decided to just stop at 15nm, at which point the plug was fully flush with the housing. Is RAVE wrong on the torque spec?
Front Diff: RAVE specs 750ml if simply changing fluid and 800ml if filling from dry. 50ml is a super precise difference on paper but in reality could be the difference simply caused by excess fluid that's leftover in the transfer pump I use to fill the diff up. I mean... is this level of precision really necessary or is around 800 good enough?
Also, while adding my pre-measured 750ml, the fluid started coming out of the fill hole right at 750ml, though RAVE is very clear that the fill hole is not a fluid level hole. Coincidence or did I measure incorrectly?