Transfer Case problems and no High / Low Change | |
Hello everyone,
so I managed to repair the old transfer case motor on my 2003 Td6. One of the magnets broke off an blocked the motor from spinning.
The high low change worked fine for a few weeks.
Now the fail safe came back on. Out of nowhere while driving.
No change in high or low ratio is possible anymore. I've checked the motor and the potentiometer. Motor is spinning and the poti. reads 1.2 kohm to 4.6 depending on the angles. Only when turning the motor below 1200 it reads "overloaded". Not sure whether this might be a problem...
I even unplugged the pins to the ECU behind the battery and tested the potentiometer reading there. It showed 1300 ohm just as when testing it directly on the motor itself.
I did not check the other wires, because I don't know how to manage this with my basic and short-wired tester.
When I started the engine with the motor unplugged a different error message popped up. Transfer case neutral instead auf "slow" and "transmission failure".
When diagnosing with Inpa it keeps saying "communication error with transfer case - canbus error". Even after deleting it, it comes on instantly again.
I've tried the calibration by putting in a fuse in slot 37 etc. Nothing happened... I have ordered a used transfer case ECU, but it will take some time to arrive. And I'm not sure whether it is the problem.
Does anyone have any ideas left?