The fattie has (again) deveoped a leak from the water pump's base, where the body mates with the block, just under the bottom left bolt. Coolant seeps slowly forming a drop and finds its way down onto the PAS pump, then onto the undertray and eventually on the driveway overnight. Running the engine for a couple mnutes is enough to make the leak stop, as the metals expand. So the leak only happens with a stone-cold engine.
I had the exact same problem (only difference the leak was on the right side bottom) just a year ago and opted to replace the entire pump and thermostat so that I wouldn' t have to deal with those again, in the foreseeable future. Yet here we are again just a year and 30K km later.
I used a HEPU pump with a MAHLE thermostat but since the previous pump was also a relatively new HEPU I'm beginning to think they may be facing quality control issues. I also had a brand new MAHLE thermostat fail in its electrical heating circuitry! As far as I understand the aforesaid brands are OEM that's why I insisted going with them but now I'm considering other makes.
Since the leak is from the particular point and not the shaft, I could perhaps get away with just a gasket but the amount of work is all the same if not more, cleaning the surfaces to fit a used pump back... I've had that done before with the previous pump that ended up leakng and blamed it on the refitting.
I've used/fitted FEBI Bilstein PCV, washer pumps, Inlet manifold gaskets and even coolant with zero complaints. As I see FEBI Bilstein water pumps sit somewhere above average price-wise, at around 70 Eur with HEPU being the priciest at around 100 Eur.
On a related note, how does the 85 C thermostat mod affect the engine performance? since there would no longer be on-demand thermostat opening. I understand the lower temp arguably prolongs service life of the cooling system components but on the other hand, I'm reluctant to change the default configuration as it should be reliable if maintained properly.
Any suggestions and recommendations are welcome
Thank you