Hi, I've noticed lately that a fan, located behind the right hand side headlight module, is constantly on! It makes a humming sound regardless if the car is DC charging or not, if the type-2 cable is connected or not, and even if one approaches the car without the keyfobs. And the fan is on regardless if it is 30 minutes since parking the car, or 24 hours or 48 hours since the last drive. Of course this drain the 12V Li-ion service battery, and therefore I quite frequently charge that service battery.
My newly acquired Gap G4 IID tool doesn't show any faults that could be related, I think, only these two faults: ABS-Anti-Lock Brake System Control Module. U045D-00 Invalid Data Received From Automated Driving System Control Module "A" - no sub type information.
RBM-Running Board Control Module. U0300-00 (6D) Internal Control Module Software Incompatibility - no sub type information
Anyone else experiencing the same?
Here is a recording from today - the car has been parked since yesterday morning, not connected to DC charging: https://vimeo.com/1009582513 L460 P550e AB SWB MY24
Sold: L322 TDV8 Vogue MY07
Mini Cooper S Convertible