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Member Since: 02 Jun 2024
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 10

Australia 2015 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 Fuji White

The oil cooler and heat exchanger are both the same thing, I'm not sure what the correct term is for the cast housing underneath (part the oil filter screws into), I would call it a directional housing. The housing underneath all that is another heat exchanger for the EGR system but that only has coolant and exhaust gases running through it from what I understand, there is a small channel for the oil to go back into the engine in that housing.

I would probably check your turbo feedlines to see if there not leaking, they can cause leaks from what I have read and land rover offer a 2 part replacement, the factory feedline is a single large assembly.

Apart from those 2, there's not much else back there that has to do with engine oil apart from the rocker covers but you said you checked them. Please keep in mind I'm not a expert, this s all from memory and research I've done.

Post #713698 10th Mar 2025 12:03pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2024
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 10

Australia 2015 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 Fuji White

The oil cooler and heat exchanger are both the same thing, I'm not sure what the correct term is for the cast housing underneath (part the oil filter screws into), I would call it a directional housing. The housing underneath all that is another heat exchanger for the EGR system but that only has coolant and exhaust gases running through it from what I understand, there is a small channel for the oil to go back into the engine in that housing.

I would probably check your turbo feedlines to see if there not leaking, they can cause leaks from what I have read and land rover offer a 2 part replacement, the factory feedline is a single large assembly.

Apart from those 2, there's not much else back there that has to do with engine oil apart from the rocker covers but you said you checked them. Please keep in mind I'm not a expert, this s all from memory and research I've done.

Post #713699 10th Mar 2025 12:03pm
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Member Since: 25 Jan 2016
Location: Shellharbour;NSW
Posts: 14


If I understand you correctly you are saying the housing that the oil cooler was attached to was the issue.

You said you purchased a new part to replace the warped component wondering if you have a part number?

I have replaced the oil cooler, and also replaced the O rings several times,, same issue as you still a small leak. I have also checked the tappet covers and other areas no leaks.

It makes sense to me the leak could come from where the oil cooler mount could be the issue as there are oil galleries passing though this component.

The part number for the replacement part would assist if you can supply.


Post #713734 10th Mar 2025 9:13pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2024
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 10

Australia 2015 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 Fuji White

No, the cast housing was fine, it was the actual oil cooler/heat exchanger that was bent (the rectangular part on top) it was slightly bent on the surface were the gasket seals to but it was enough to cause it not to seal. It also means you can get the wrong torque figures when torqueing it down as you torqueing against the bend in the exchanger as well as the gasket and casting. When you think about it, in cold climates this part could easily experience temperature differences from -40c up to 140c once warm and under load. It could be the casting as well, I reused the casting once before replacing the whole assembly and it didn't leak where it went on to the tower but did between the heat exchanger and the casting. It also could be the bolts too as the bolts have a shank on them where they become skinny, this indicated these are a torque to yield bolt and are intended for a one time use.

In terms of a part number, the part number is LR022895, we bought the genuine which was about $1300AUD and that included the entire assembly, you can't buy the part on its own unless you buy non genuine.

I would do a bit of hunting and find the oil leak first as replacing the oil cooler is not cheap and not a simple job, however giving land rover credit it was more pleasant to work one then some other cars I imagine.

I think a symptom of lack of oil getting to the turbos/correct oil pressure is if you turn your car off and the engine sometimes keeps running for 5-10 seconds before turning off. This is a turbo cool down timer, it keeps the engine running a bit longer after you turn the car off to let the turbos idle down to the correct pressure/temperature. Our car was doing this on the odd occasion but once the oil leaks stopped the car stopped doing this as well.

Post #713742 10th Mar 2025 11:03pm
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Member Since: 25 Jan 2016
Location: Shellharbour;NSW
Posts: 14


I have already replaced the oil cooler, used the Nissan which was much cheaper. So need to assume that it isn't sealing properly . I had it fitted by a Land Rover tech am\nd the supply was TR spares who recommended the Nissan product.

Thanks for the part number, From reading your posts I assumed that your leak was after fitment of new Oil cooler , and the leak was around where the oil cooler mounted to the engine as there are oil galleries in this area.

Looks like I will have to pull down again.

Post #713744 10th Mar 2025 11:27pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2024
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 10

Australia 2015 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 Fuji White

No, I made the mistake of thinking the bend in the oil cooler wasn't to bad and reused the original oil cooler, I should have remembered that aluminium grows/expands when hot so the bend becomes worse with heat. I don't personally trust aftermarket brands unless there the OEM for the manufacturer or they have a really good reputation for quality. I have been told that Nissen is good though and i think a OEM for other brands.

Also, your going to have to probably replace the O-rings on the Turbo feedline either way. If your planning to keep the car short term, I recommend getting the O-rings from Land Rover just for convenience. If your planning to keep the car long term, I recommend using caterpillars Viteon O-rings. The part number I used was: 295-9575 (1.9 X 8.8MM 90A FKM O-RING), this part has 3 benefits over the land rover O-rings.
1. There made of viteon so there more resistant to oil and heat.
2. There usually cheaper then the Land Rover O-ring, short term and long Term)
Short term, there $5 cheaper then the land rover part (or at least when I bought them)
Long term, they last longer so you have a longer time between changing them again.
3. There Usually In stock and ready to go same day at most caterpillar dealerships.

The other thing to consider is that if land rover fitted your part and your car is a bit older then they may have sent the apprentice to fix your car and he may have overlooked something.

Post #713747 10th Mar 2025 11:44pm
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Member Since: 25 Jan 2016
Location: Shellharbour;NSW
Posts: 14


Done the O rings twice used the CAT ones 2nd time round no leaks from that area. There is some oil around bottom of oil cooler, as said very small leak, I am thinking it is a gasket leak from the oil cooler.

Need to remove platinum to get a closer look may try to do that without pulling everything apart.

Other than this I think I may just put up with it.

Post #713750 11th Mar 2025 12:48am
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