As I have previously posted on here I've been having issues with the air suspension and air bags exploding, but we after much messing appear to have the car lifting and lowering as it should without any error messages or logged faults.
So my question is do the offset values (as shown on my ICarsoft reader, yes I know not the preferred diagnostic tool) for each of the height sensors actually mean anything (eg I have 300-400 on rear and front right but a negative value on the front left) or is it just a "Value"?
we've swapped out the sensor and it's position is as per the others (i.e. not flipped) double checked wiring but still get the same readings. incidentally I read on another forum that the ABS & Air suspension are linked, could it be a ABS issue? occasionally I also get HDC inactive which i believe is also ABS related?
(Possibly answered my own question there but over to you all the same...