I've treated my 2006 autobiography to a new rear bumper, new unpainted part for a bargain price, I'm so lucky. Had it painted, brilliant, really happy. Come to fitting, realised parking sensor holes are different sizes. Research tells me the replacement bumper is for a 2010 - 2012, I'm so unlucky. Sensors on 2006 triangular arrangement of pins, 2010 onwards straight line arrangement of pins. unlucky. I've found a set of four replacement sensors with wiring harnesses (3 short lengths of wire) on ebuy for £44.
Hoping that someone has been where I am, has done the hard work and can advise what colour codes correspond with the colours in my existing harness, and is prepared to share it. Replacement sensors are coloured blue, yellow and green. My existing harness is coloured yellow/brown, green/brown and brown/white.
Don't confuse unlucky with careless current l322 4.2sc, p38a 4.0 hse, x350 xjr, x308 xjr, x308 daimler super8, saab 93 convertible and a Transit. Most bases covered.