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Member Since: 14 Feb 2021
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Zermatt Silver

The video link I posted was just for interest as to Khan's supposed plans for the future. As for Khan, he has proved that, like many politicians, he cannot be trusted and acts like a snake oil salesmen. Anyone who disagrees with him is automatically branded an extremist or Brexiteer Rolling Eyes

Boris Johnson used to cycle around at times to draw publicity to his bike schemes, not like Emperor Khan and his Armoured range rover and the extra RR, sometimes two RR's with his supposed protection squad. He claims this is on advice from the MET, but the MET have always been tight lipped and refused to confirm this, more lies Question

As for the video, yes it is long winded, I wish the guy would be more concise and answer some of the points with more intelligent answers / comments, but it is an interesting view into the possible future plans afoot. At the end of the day I am like a lot of other people, I have an inbuilt distrust when it comes to politicians - no matter which party / group.

I do realise that commenting on this subject requires the 'postee' to have a thick skin, as it appears to be akin to poking a hornets nest whilst wearing nothing but a pair of budgie smugglers Whistle Rolling with laughter

Post #664358 17th May 2023 6:42pm
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Member Since: 11 Jan 2013
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Westminster TDV8 Orkney Grey

I drive a Ulez affected Range Rover, on occasions but not everyday. I have a work van that’s Ulez compliment which I drive workdays. I work in central London, and the traffic is pathetically slow. The whole of the central zone is max 20mph, and some other outer boroughs are too. By day I see mostly vans and commercial vehicles going about their business. The thing is, that the later diesels that are compliment, are not actually compliment in the environment they drive in. Basically, they idle most of the time and then are revved to pull along one car length, or maybe more in traffic.. so to be ‘clean’ they would need to be driven at around 50mph, on flat roads, so that the software can drop it it to clean mode, and only then it would be clean (ish). That will never happen in London.. So my point is, it’s all rubbish to think that these new vehicles are somehow going to clean the air. And if the older non compliant ones are so bad, why not ban them, or charge them £100.. myself driving occasioanlly with a £12.50 payment here and there isn’t going to change much. The thing is,, parking can be £12.50 an hour on a match day too.
(Here )

Post #664395 18th May 2023 7:56am
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and this made me chuckle too...

Post #664400 18th May 2023 8:47am
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Member Since: 17 May 2021
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2012 Range Rover Westminster TDV8 Causeway Grey

YES! The whole thing is a con!!!
On a more genteel note you could call it a new stealth tax...
But is the real reason more nefarious?!?

Post #675614 16th Oct 2023 7:13am
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Member Since: 17 May 2021
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2012 Range Rover Westminster TDV8 Causeway Grey

I think the peeps who support this lunacy are either evangelical climate zealot nuts, total virtue signallers, peeps too comfortably off to see the wood for the trees (until the axe comes down for them too) or funded goons!
If I mention the WEF, and who is controlled by them, their controlled goons will denounce this suggestion very quickly: which is a good way to see who is a climate doom cult worshipper or on the payroll.
There are constant updates to calculate how many everyday peeps are believing all the doomster predictions, and the results are quite scary.

Post #675615 16th Oct 2023 7:21am
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Member Since: 14 Feb 2021
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Zermatt Silver

It does not stop, Khan now wants to charge more money to park SUV's See below link for article

If he brings this new plan into fruition, I bet the Censored will still swan around London in his armoured RR.

Recently Khan did a PR stunt where he used the underground in London, he had his own people filming him, problem was but he did not plan it well, in some shots he is obviously clueless as to which way to go, proving the lying Censored never uses the tube.

Post #684680 3rd Feb 2024 4:54pm
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2023
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Scotland 2012 Range Rover Westminster TDV8 Fuji White

Hi, of course it's a con, the whole premise is based on a lie, the worst areas in London are, surprise Surprise, railway stations, trains running their massive engines all hours of the day and night, Electic trains are few and far bewteen.

The calculations for whether a car is ULEZ compliant are complete nonsense and base on car manufacturers voluntary data when the car was new, and we all know how much they can be trusted in that regard.

So Bob the builder in his 3 year old 200,000 mile van that's never seen the inside of a garage till something breaks or Chas the Cabbie chuffing along the Mall in his 200,000 puffer is excempt, but my immaculate, finely tuned Range Rover is not.

If they want to be fair, then base the taxes on the existing emmissions from the last MOT, as soon as Khan realises the pollution being created in London, is by Londoners, not visitors the ULEZ schemes will be scrapped.

Bristol, the bane of my life has carefully drawn it's ULEZ borders along main routes so if you want to go from one side of Bristol to the other you have to take huge detours around the zone. How is that reducing emissions. I can get to my offices by skirting around and can get within 400yds of them without actually entering the zone, can park there cheaper than the centre and it only takes me another 5 minutes walk.

Last time I took the train in good faith, I though I'd get some time to work on the train, took me 4 hours to get home because, not one, but two trains were cancelled, my 1st class reserved seat turned out to be standing in a coridor with 100 other people facing the same nightmare. Never again. The station was chocking, dozens of trains just idling with their engines running.

Feel guilty, not until they clean their own house.

Rany Over, Back In The Box Fuji White / Jet 2012 4.4 TDV8 Westminster

Post #684692 3rd Feb 2024 9:01pm
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SamThomas wrote:
Of course it's a con - a way to increase revenue on the back of the green/climate change/environment bandwagon.

It's often quoted how many people "die prematurely" because of road traffic pollution - but they never quote how many of them smoke/have smoked which must contribute ?

As an aside I've spent most of my working life driving, breathing it in, full strength for around 5 decades or so and I'm still here. Having said that I've never smoked.

AFAIK the LEZ has done little or nothing to "improve" the air quality, so I doubt if the ULEZ will either.

The whole net-zero thing is a scam. 2017 4.4 SDV8 Autobiography in black
2018 D300 SE Velar in champagne
1982 Rolls Royce Silver Spirit in green
Spiffing wheel centre caps, L322 sill repair panels, etc

Post #684699 3rd Feb 2024 11:43pm
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Member Since: 27 Jul 2021
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and the whole anti net-zero thing is a scam. Denying man made climate change is now not a credible position so now the fossil fuel interests are promoting the unaffodability of doing anything about it. 2012 TDV8 Vogue (L322)

Post #684709 4th Feb 2024 10:41am
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2023
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Scotland 2012 Range Rover Westminster TDV8 Fuji White

Hi, just to clear things up, I am a believer in the fact that man is kiiling this planet, you'd have to be mad to think that we are having anything but a negative impact on the planet and those that share this space with us. Take a stoll along the beach or a river bank, you'll get the picture.

However, what I am peeved about are the councils and busy bodies that are jumping on the back of that scientific fact to get their greasy little dabs on my hard earned crust and using it as an excuse to raise further taxes that they won't spend on the environment, but giving it away to asylum seakers, and benefit scroungers.

What those that hold the power to do so should be doing is combatting the real poluters, railways, industry, shipping, air travel, power generation, all these areas are selling themselves as "net-zero" whilst pumping millions of tonnes of polution into the atmosphere. In the UK and Europe things are changing, but in the underdeveloped world, things are in very dire straights, just take a look at the polution map of India & Pakistan for example.

I don't use my FF as much as I could, we potter about town most of the time in the Mrs' Micra, but I'm making that concious decision, and making a small but positive contribution to reduce my footprint and not having it forced upon me. Fuji White / Jet 2012 4.4 TDV8 Westminster

Post #684711 4th Feb 2024 11:01am
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Arch Stanton

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a degree of scepticism on any scientific theory is healthy, I am uncomfortable with how any contradicting comments are shouted down.

However, that notwithstanding, the elephant in the room is that there are just too many people on this planet. If we solve the emissions/climate crisis, another overpopulation driven crisis is just around the corner. First time FFRR owner

Post #684712 4th Feb 2024 11:05am
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Member Since: 01 Dec 2016
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I think the firework display in London on New Years Eve tells you everything you need to know about Sadiq Kahn. The first drone display where he let us all know that we should all be indebted to him for the following display shows his ego is probably bigger than London.

I work at several residential sites that run along the border of the ULEZ zone. So far I’ve tried to help out a couple of pensioners negotiate the nightmare of selling a non compliant car without being totally ripped off. 1 has just given up on driving and the 2nd has sold (given away) an immaculate 14 plate Mercedes A class to replace it with an older shabby Petrol Vauxhall corsa for similar money.

Champagne Socialist springs to mind when describing Kahn.

I’m afraid he’s another example of a modern day politician (of whatever party) who seems totally incompetent and out of touch with how ordinary people go about their lives.

Post #684724 4th Feb 2024 3:27pm
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Member Since: 03 Apr 2021
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Here's a rather valid point, why don't those who bought diesels back in the 80's after been urged to do so by the government because it was supposedly cleaner and used to be cheaper by about 10p per litre if my mind serves me right, just sue the government? It was them who who urged everyone to go diese,l so now we have to pay for their mistakes? Obviously, diesels have got a lot more cleaner and less polluting than the cars of the 80's and I'm sure the air in London and other major cities are a lot more cleaner than what they was back then.
Another big mistake by city councils that contributes to congestion and more pollution, is by putting in stupid bus lanes, one way streets, no right turns (except for buses, cyclists taxis etc etc), extortionate parking charges, red routes and removing lots of on street parking. All their fault, not ours and they make us pay. The government, the biggest criminals of anyone.

Post #684725 4th Feb 2024 3:38pm
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2023
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Scotland 2012 Range Rover Westminster TDV8 Fuji White

Hi, It's not the Government per se and you can't sue them unless you can prove negligence. They will just say they were badly advised and slime their way out of it. Same as they don't actually have to deliveron their election promises.

The weasles we need to replace are the Civil Servants, those unelected f***wits that run everything. Governments make policy but it's those tossers that implement stuff, supposedly to reach the goals the Governement have commmitted to.

Needless to say, Khan is just a face, the lead singer if you like, it's the band of f***nuts behind them that we need to oust. Unfortunately as they're the unelected civil class then they're impossible to get rid of. like trying to fire a council worker, nigh on impossible.

You can't prove incompetance as that's a requirement for the job in the first place, we can only hope that they suffocate under their own verbal halitosis or drown in their own excrement.

Come the revolution brothers...... Fuji White / Jet 2012 4.4 TDV8 Westminster

Post #684730 4th Feb 2024 4:19pm
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Member Since: 20 Oct 2018
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Yes it's a con I now have to run a 4.2 v8 supercharge sport a d3 v8 petrol iv laid my v8 m62 petrol up for a bit but swopping it with my mate for a while for his 4.2 supercharged L322 as my L322 is not compliant.
My other mate just had to buy a 4.5 v8 porche cayenne as a ulez run about....whole things a bloody con their just forcing us all to drive v8 petrols cars every where Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter

Post #684744 4th Feb 2024 8:12pm
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