A bloke came home from work one day, as he opened the front door, his wife hit him round the head.
"Woah, what the was that for" he asked.
"I found this bit of paper in your trouser pocket with Sexy Susan wrote on it" she replied.
"Ahh, don't worry about that" he said, "That's just a horse I had a bet on last week, don't worry about it, you're the only woman for me"
"I'm so sorry, I should never have doubted you, I love you so much, can you forgive me?" She asked.
"Of course darling" He replied.
A few weeks later, the man came back in from work as usual, as he came through the door, his wife hit him round the head with a frying pan.
"What the hell was that for?" He asked.
"Your horse just rang!" 2006 Mercedes CLS
1991 Retro-style Mini
But really finding it hard to fight the urge for a S/C...