BEWARE Freeway Service Center LTD Isle of Sheppy Kent
As you know, I have a new car (to me).
Last week I had a problem with the car not using ad blue so I had a count down for when the car would not start again for 500 miles. Panic set in, I phoned JLR to get it booked in for a service and do the repair.
I was told nothing available until the end of October.
I have used Freeway Service centre before so gave them a call if they could fit me in to plug in a scanner (I already plugged in my IID tool so knew what the problem was)
All pointed to the sensor not working.
The quote was £510 + vat, ouch. I need the car so go ahead and order it, it can be fitted in two days.
That was last week, Yesterday the wife and I had a run down the coast about 40 miles all going fine we went in for some lunch came out, after I started the car the engine management light came on, and I plugged in the IID tool which Came up with
unauthorised something or the other and the fault would not be cleared.
By this time I have been registered with Land Rover Assist, They came out I told my story and the guy checked out the replacement part.
THE PART WAS NOT REPLACED it turns out it was a broken wire that they repaired badly see photos and fell apart Tey was not even water protected the auto-mechanic refixed the wire cleared the fault code and all is good to go.
So why charge me £510 + vat to repair a wire? robbing
So beware of Freeway service centre on the Isle of Sheppy Kent
The last two photos are what fell apart.
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Last edited by Tinman on 28th Sep 2022 5:44pm. Edited 1 time in total