Snap MoT after 10k miles..... | |
So, I've had the 2012 4.4 TDV8 for a year now and the MoT was becomming due. I've covered 10k miles since I bought it and it's not seen a mechanic for any maintenance (except a megaflush by MMP4x4) during my ownership. In the past year, I've done an oil change, changed the gaskets & O-rinigs on the oil cooler and also changed a couple of suspension arms / ARB drop links.
Managed to get a snap booking for a test today at 1.30pm and just took it there without any checks beforehand.
Passed!! Just one advisory for one of the rear number plate lights not working.
Tester said he was astounded by the condition underneath for one of these at ten years old. Reckons he's seen later models that looked a lot worse.
Happy Bunny!!
The older I get, the more I realise that people confuse wrinkles for wisdom 