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Member Since: 18 Apr 2022
Location: Koblenz
Posts: 64

Shopping List / Part Numbers

Good day fellow Fatties!

After posting last week (My Range Rover - My First Rangie?), I will be picking and registering up my "new" toy next week. It's a tidy 2012 4.4 TDV8 Vogue with all the toys apart from bum coolers.

Photos will follow, but today, I want to pick your brains about things to do to ensure years of trouble-free motoring... Rolling with laughter

As I have no real idea of the vehicle's past servicing and maintenance apart from the few stamps and bills accompanying the car, I just want to do all the preventative stuff from the off, checking and replacing as necessary along the way.

Air hoses: As there was a bit of crud around the intake, I'm going to go ahead and replace all the rubbery bits, clean out all the gunk and freshen it all up. Question: Part Nos for the updated hoses? Who can recommend a good mainland Europe (I'm based in Germany now) supplier for RR parts?

Oil cooler gaskets / O-Rings: While I've got the intake off, I might as well check out the oil cooler and turbo pipe etc - have you got current part nos for me for gaskets/o-rings - I've seen a few different ones on other threads - I'm guessing they were updated at some point.

Brakes: God only knows when they were last looked at - the pedal had tons of travel before biting. The brakes work ok, but they definitely need a refresh. Disks and pads will be replaced and the system bled. I've seen soooo many combinations of disks and pads on here - what's the current trend?

Tyres: worn on the outsides at the front - I'm guessing an arm or two will need replacing. As for the tyres themselves, as I'll be doing 99% Autobahn driving with the RR, I'm going for Scorpions. Sound-deadening foam inserts or not? Worth having or just a gimmick?

GAP IID: This is an expensive list, and is about to get pricier. Any offers going on IID tools at the moment? Cool

Over to you - what should I add to the "let's get it perfect again" list? Obviously I'll be doing a general service on all fluids/filters etc. Can anyone recommend a gearbox-flusher in Germany? I'm based between Cologne and Frankfurt. I've heard of an Indie in Dierdorf - sells LRs and Caterhams - any experience?

Thanks for your tips and tricks - I can't wait to get started on the work (I'm doing it all myself) and get back into the comfort of RR life. Haven't had one since my P38 back in the late 90s.



Post #639024 8th Aug 2022 12:47pm
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Member Since: 13 Mar 2021
Location: Hampshire
Posts: 1480

United Kingdom 

Starter motor
Air conditioning compressor
Expansion tank
Top charge hoses
Oil cooler (if warped) and gaskets/o rings
Clean the MAP sensor and throttle body every few thousand miles
Auxiliary belt
'Donut' hoses
AGM battery
Front low range speakers
Ride height sensors
Top hose union to throttle body
Refurbish both rear calipers before they seize

Full service with fuel filter. Engine oil must be STJLR.03.5005 specification (assuming yours has a DPF)
Front and rear diff oil change 75W90
Transfer box oil change IYK500010
Gearbox filter and oil (Lifeguard 8 spec) (it's not difficult to do yourself and ZF produce a fantastic Step by step guide)

- LED interior and mirror Puddle lamps
- (Not really an upgrade but a treat to the car) oil and filter change every 5,000-7,000 miles
- Brakes. I've got Brembos all round and have issues with them squeaking at slower speeds. The harder compound apparently commonly causes this.
- Winged headrests from an L405
- Loadspace mat

I wouldn't say an IID is a 'must have' but definitely a 'should have'.

I'm pretty sure all the main suppliers, Duckworths, Advanced Factors, Maltings Offroad, are all well used to shipping to mainland Europe. 2015 Range Rover Autobiography 4.4 SDV8

Post #639038 8th Aug 2022 2:37pm
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