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Member Since: 13 Jan 2013
Location: Newcastle
Posts: 88

Australia 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Java Black
A possible solution to 'Air Suspension Inactive' in the L322

A possible solution to 'Air Suspension Inactive' in the L322

This has worked for me a few times, YMMV.
Check for and correct any mechanical faults first, then -

1) When parking up at the end of a day select a level position, turn the steering full-lock to full-lock to straight ahead so that the steering angle sensor is set properly then wait 30 seconds before switching off the engine and locking the vehicle.
2) Next day use the key fob to open the door, lean in and start the engine. Close the door and wait for 2+ minutes while all the computers trade their startup messages WITHOUT being interrupted by monitoring alerts that would be generated while driving off.
3) Get in and drive off. Air Suspension is working normally.

So why does this work ? The problem is called 'computer fugue' and is due to certain assumptions that the original computer designers and program coders made 25 years ago when the system was conceived. Since that time mechanical components age and they often respond slower or don't move through the full range expected anymore. So the computer's program sets 'soft' fault flags and runs alternate strategies to achieve its objectives. This creates extra data loads and causes data reply clashes as different devices try to report back to new (and often more complex) instructions. Eventually the program sets 'hard' faults so that the next time it starts up it uses the alternate strategies by default, and so it goes on.
Allowing a 2 minute period without interruption keeps data traffic to a minimum and gives the program enough time to work through all its alternatives so that soft faults can be resolved or better alternatives set as default, then the hard fault can be removed.

As I stated above, this has worked a few times, meaning it is not a complete fix, the soft faults accumulate and I get the Air Suspension Inactive hard fault about each 18 months. And fix it next day.
I also think this helps some other systems too, in my case recognizing a valid key in the ignition starts to take 2 insertions (probably due to excessive data traffic) but after a 2 minute 'fugue fix' keys are identified instantly.

Anyone else have experience with systems magically fixing themselves when the vehicle systems are given a proper rest ?

bye. 2003 TD6, EGR delete, vortex crankcase breather update, performance chip, UHF 2 way, Android head unit, crash camera on dash, always-on rear view camera to mirror screen, LED DRL`s, Electric trailer brake controller. FSR replaced. Pulling 3T caravan all about Australia

Post #634663 15th Jun 2022 5:51am
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8422

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Sounds spot on to me, my old fatty used to fix itself all the time, and mostly when I was doing other thigs and had the ignition on or the engine running for a while...

Bless... Fatties get old and cranky, just like me.... Shocked Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Post #634673 15th Jun 2022 7:56am
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