Reading through the workshop manual. It states that after replacing the ATC module, you need to reset it. If so has anyone done this & what is the process?. This is a 2006 4.4 V8 petrol running the high line system.
Also can someone confirm, that when you dial in a lower temperature on the drivers side to that of the passengers side, the fan speed increases. However doing the opposite, the fan speed does Not increase & remains the same (All ready replaced both heater temperature sensors).
I've changed my ATC module a while ago & still trying to resolve the heating issue. AC works lovely. Just the heater, although it will work. As soon as you drive at a constant speed it blows cold. Reduce the speed to say around 30 mph or less & you have heat again.
Using the auto function will work, but the temperature settings seem out to the ambient temperature ( Outside temperature reading is correct).
My thought is that it may need to be calibrated, although reading everywhere on the Net, there is no mention of a reset being required.
Thought I would ask the question prior to obtaining another ATC module.