I was surprised by this, what do you think? 2011 TDV8 L322 | |
Hi all
I was wondering if I can ask for some support please. I've noticed recently that if I'm pulling out of a junction turning right and begin to accelerate that I get what I can only describe as a "very feint" rumble for a second.
Now I was initially of the mindset that it could be a range rover thing or that I was imagining it but I've noticed it a few more tiimes. I've been trying to fathom if it was diff wind for example so...
-I've only had the car about a month and it has a full service history. ~
-I'm uncertain what/when has been flushed so I aim to have this done in the next month to 6 weeks.
-The car shifts gear flawlessly both up and down the box
-The car accelerates fine, there are no rumbles or slipping sensations when accelerating.
-It only seems to do in what I believe to be second but does not do it if I hold it in second.
-It does not seem to do when accelerating out of a junction left and do not believe it does in a straight line.
-Sound/sensation is there for no more than a second.
It's a ZF8
So in true Range Rover fashion I can only assume the turbos are knackered, the drive shaft is unbalanced, the tires are shot and the gearbox is about to explode if not flushed within 48 hours.
Beyond that has anyone had anything similar?