Now I definately know the fuel gauge isn't working! | |
Out last night driving home after a meal. Tottering along at 30mph when everything just shut down, without warning. Message on screen showing "Fuel Injection System". Tried re-starting, but nothing. Showing just under a quarter of a tank /77 mile range on the OBC as well I managed to get it to the side of the road out of harms way.
Luckily, it stopped right outside a BP garage. I had to buy a petrol can and a gallon of diesel. Started the car more or less straight away and proceeded to fill the car up.
So, I know now that when there's between 0 and a quarter left, it's time to refuel!! I'll have to get the sender sorted out in the tank- I suspect that's the root of the problem. 2010 MY Vogue SE TDV8 3.6 Stornoway Grey- fully loaded