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snickering hound

Member Since: 08 Oct 2016
Location: Northamptonshire
Posts: 5

United Kingdom 2015 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue
57 plate 3.6 TDV8 electrical woes - ignition switch fault

Hi all,

Not long after I bought my Vogue SE I started getting SUSPENSION FAULT as an error message but after a few seconds the message went and the suspension worked with no problem. After a few weeks I realised that as well as the fault message, after the initial BONG the steering column would not raise when I took the key out, the heated and cooled seats would not work and the front map lights turned in the towel too.

I've got a pretty decent diagnostic kit and it was giving a fault for the ignition switch and having researched the issue it was pretty clear that the switch was not giving sufficient electricity across the poles causing havoc with the sensitive electrical systems.

Over a year ago I stumped up the cash for a new switch from my local LR dealer and it sat inside the armrest until last weekend when, after a couple of instances where it had a proper hissy fit and threw up transmission fault and other warnings and lost power I knew it was getting worse. I'd been putting the job off because of the nightmare prophecy of taking most of the dash apart to get to the switch in the centre of the dash. Seems that perceived wisdom is that it's a 6 hour task.

Now, admittedly I've got my own business involving car repairs, but I can assure anyone thinking of looking at this themselves that is is DEFINITELY a do it yourself on the drive job. I had it all done in 2hrs 15mins. I had thought about posting some photos but as it was such a simple job I didn't think it was worth it. All it needed was a T20, T25 and T30 torx, 10mm socket and some confidence. Rather than strip everything out I just did enough to get to the next bit. The only fiddly bit was the two 10mm bolts under the dashtop by the passenger airbag but they were more difficult to put back than to take out. The old switch didn't have any sign of problems on the outside but as it was getting dark I didn't take it apart to check. But I will do this weekend and post another message with what I find.

So I just wanted to reassure anyone with similar issues to me that a fix is very possible. As I've had the car for over 4 years I really should have sorted it before now but as it hadn't ever actually stopped the car (until a couple of weeks ago) it wasn't enough of a problem to put it to the top of my list. The plumber always has the leaking tap at home etc etc.

If anyone needs help sorting theirs I'm in Northampton and would happily assist.



Post #574915 3rd Dec 2020 5:09am
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