P38 - Weight of main components? | |
I'm considering a body-off, sort of restoration, of my 99MY 4.6 HSE this winter to get it back on the road. The car has been in external dry storage for 13 years after an engine problem that turned out to be a blocked radiator and a bent oil stick tube touching the crankshaft (the dreaded ticking sound). Interior already completely removed and pristine. Family health problems and a move stopped the work back then.
I haven't seen the car for 5 years so I do not know if it will be necessary. It was quite nice when parked but I guess there will be some rust that should be taken care of as well as all bushes, brake pipes, and so on.
I would like to know the weight of the main components like engine, gearbox, front and rear axles without wheels, chassis, and body without interior. Does anyone have the approximate numbers for this? 