Hi folks!
Just a reminder that we can include home insurance on multi discounts - we are very good on home, save people on average around £127...
Personally I was paying £414 for buildings and contents with who my mortgage lender put me with when I bought my house... I went to A-Plan and I'm now paying £172.50 for both including better cover and allowing me to cover my portrait business (artwork supplies and working from home).
Genuinely, if you have the time (a lot of us do in the current situation) dig out your documents and give us a call, we will pay up to £50 in cancellation fees with your current insurer so you can move across midterm and start saving straight away! If money is tight at the moment you're probably looking to save where you can, home insurance is a good place to start.
Much Love!
Carlie A-Plan Insurance | Specialist Vehicle
Call us on 01635 874646 for a quotation Click Here