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Should the MOT become 2 yearly?
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Tim in Scotland

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MOT's - should they be changed?

Just been listening to You and Yours on radio4 and they have had an item about changing the frequency of MOT testing due to the better build and safety features in modern cars, so what are your views?

Personally I think the requirement as it stands is good for us all, making it a two yearly test after the first 3rd anniversary will just mean there is no incentive for people to look at tyres and brakes for another 12 months as MOT time is often the only time many people actually make any checks to their cars. 2018 Mini Countryman Cooper S E All4 PHEV in Melting Silver - it’s whisper quiet in EV and polluter modes

Post #60153 13th Apr 2011 11:37am
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Member Since: 31 Jan 2008
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maybe a compromise would be sensible, as with modern cars there is little to go wrong in the first 5/6 years other than tyres and brakes perhaps.

perhaps bi-annually up to 6 years old then yearly over 6 years old?

over 10 years, there are some real sheds on the road.

Post #60155 13th Apr 2011 11:57am
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Member Since: 26 May 2010
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Personally don't care about the frequency at all, aside from saving 50 quid a year if it goes bi-annual. At least, not with the test as it stands today.

The bottom line is that the construction & use regulations are there for the rozzers to make use of. The fact they'd rather be pointing hairdryers at people is a different matter.

Even with annual testing it's quite possible for cars to pass an MOT with 1.7mm left on the tyres etc. It's no guarantee at all of the condition of the car for 364 days of the year. Our local country garage who does mine had some of our Romany Brethren in with a crappy transit a few weeks back. They swapped wheels off another transit so it could pass the MOT and promptly swapped back again after, right outside the MOT station !!

While on the other hand, it is used as a license to print money for some garages who fail perfectly roadworthy cars for self gain.

Overall I don't see that it does much good really, not in its current form anyway. But then again, what could it be replaced with? (apart from some better policing)

Sure modern cars are better built but we also do a lot more miles on average than we did 40 years back so that probably evens out that bit.

Dunno is the short answer. I certainly don't rely on some script jockey to tell me whether or not my car's roadworthy. I only use it as a means to obtain a tax disc. As it goes, last time a car of mine failed an MOT was 1992 and that was for a lightly corroded brake pipe.

That said, at least it forces those who can't be bothered to maintain their cars to make some kind of effort.

If I had to vote then I'd go for annual from the word go with a forced re-test whenever a car is sold, crash damaged, or the driver commits a C&U offence.

Post #60167 13th Apr 2011 2:32pm
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