Hello, hoping someone might be able to shed some light on the latest of a variety of issues I’ve had with my 2013 l405 SDV8, 45000 miles.
On two occasions now there has been a momentary loss of drive for a split second which then comes back in with a heavy thud. Both times on motorway at around 70mph, throttle position fairly constant so don’t believe it was trying for a downshift. On one of these occasions the thud was then followed by engine cutting completely, lots of errors cycling through on dash. Coasted to a stop, would then crank but not fire. Attempted to start 5 or 6 times over 3-4 min period, then it fired and proceeded to drive perfectly for another 10 miles before cutting out again, this time with no thump/loss of drive and at around 10mph coasting up to a stop in traffic. Same issue again with not wanting to restart.
I’ve only got a cheapo laser fault reader, which stored only one fault u0401, which cleared.
Any advice on what to look at first would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.