I had a similar issue in my 07 4.2 SC at about 20,000 Miles less than you, after a backfire when I ran out of petrol, with 50 miles Range still showing!
Absolutely no symptoms other than the intermittent engine management light.
I also took her to a catalyst replacement garage who confirmed that the catalysts were at the end of their life. I think the backfire effectively accelerated the process and finished them off.
I had two choices as I saw it, either keep clearing the fault about once a month - which I did for a while, however the light would come on part way into a long motorway journey and the fuel usage would soar.
Or, replace the catalysts, which I did after searching for some reasonably priced catalysts online. I managed to have both catalysts replaced with OEM parts for less than the cost of buying one from LR.
I also had to replace one sensor, there are four, about a month after the catalysts.
Hope this helps.