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Member Since: 14 Apr 2015
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Scotland 2017 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Corris Grey

If the dealer is ignoring you then you might find it better to go in person, it's much harder to ignore someone in the showroom. Keep it polite and calm, and there is no point on having a go at junior staff, not least as they can't make decisions anyway. Read the Consumer Rights Act sections on remedies for defective goods before you go, easily googled or per the link above or the Citizens Advice Bureau has a summary too. Take a print of the relevant bits. Read the warranty section of the owner's handbook too. Then speak to the salesman that sold you the car, or even better the dealer principal. Explain the background and that you wish to reject. If they say you can't then you may have to get a solicitor involved.

If you have finance you'll need to speak to the provider, they may well be able to help, in that case the deal is between the dealer and the finance company, who in turn have a deal with you, so they would have a role in "doing" the rejecting.

From memory the CRA provides not just for outright rejection, but also for rejection if the dealer has been given a reasonable chance to mend the car and does not do so within a reasonable time and without significant inconvenience to you. There is a test of reasonableness, so the fault must be such that a reasonable person would reject because of it. If the problem is partly at LR e.g. "part on back order and we don't know when it will become available" then contact with them may be helpful too. For example my last 322 needed a new gearbox eight days after I got it (ex demo under six months old) and I was told that. When I threatened to reject and spoke to LR Customer Relations one appeared within a few days.

Good luck. Only Range Rovers since 1988

Post #495491 13th Nov 2018 7:53pm
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Member Since: 28 Jan 2013
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Kenya 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Santorini Black

Simes wrote:

Might be helpful.

Sorry I just saw this and would also recommend the template letter Sims provided. I used the same to reject my first L322 about a month after I bought it in 2014 and with the weaker consumer legislation in force them it still worked on the basis it wasn't fit for purpose given the cost, advertising, car specs etc and they finally accepted it with a full refund.

Before turning up in person, I would suggest sending a hard copy of the letter by special / tracked delivery with copies to each of the salesman, dealer principal, sales manager and, if available from the website, any address given for customer complaints.

I am not a consumer lawyer in any sense but I recall reading the CRA2015 may have had something in it about faults appearing within 30 days of purchase so outline any communication, correspondence or other allegations of faults (and better, any acknowledgements by the dealer of the faults, including agreeing to take the car in) in the letter you send which may help establish this 30 day timeline for the fault(s) appearing should it go full legal.

If you are alleging it's not fit for purpose or faulty, it's really important that you stop using the car completely, even if this means it's sat on your drive for a while. Any use and the dealer (if being difficult) can allege that you can use it and you're not rejecting the car.

[url]www[/url] sets out the above in much more detail and may also be helpful.

I may be able to ask a consumer expert for further details if you need so feel free to PM me.

Shalz MY11 Vogue 4.4 TDV8 - "African Queen"

Post #495556 14th Nov 2018 1:24pm
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Member Since: 15 Oct 2012
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LWR wrote:
The car is ticking over into its 3rd week with the repairing dealer. To be fair, they have been very helpful, but there is no getting away from the fact that the car is 8 weeks old, has been broken from the start and is has been with the dealer 3 of those 8 weeks.

Here's where I'd like some help - if the selling dealer is refusing to answer my calls and emails regarding starting a rejection process, what are my options? JLR Customer Experience says they can do nothing - their obligation is to keep fixing the car - rejection something they have no mandate for.

Getting a solicitor involved seems like the obvious option, but given I'm £120k down already, it's seems wrong to have to throw thousands more at this.



Thank you for your post.

I am deeply sorry to learn of this.

Please provide me with your contact, vehicle and retailer details so I can investigate this matter further.


Chand - Land Rover UK Please note although Land Rover will try to assist you with your issue, we are unable to provide any technical advice. This account is available between 0900 and 17:00 hours Monday Friday. Outside of this time if you require assistance, please drop us a Private Message and we'll get back to you.

Post #495562 14th Nov 2018 1:59pm
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Member Since: 31 May 2012
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England 2005 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Zambezi Silver


On the subject of rejecting a vehicle that is not fit for purpose I rejected my 2016 L494 after running it for 4 months. During this time it went back to the supplying dealership 7 times to attempt a fix of the screaming brakes, disappearing TFT instrument screen and unexplained full electrical shut downs.

I verbally informed the Service Manager on the 7th attempt to fix the problems that if there was no improvement with the brakes and electrics I was rejecting the car. He wrote this on the service sheet and dealership system and when I came to collect the car I found that nothing had changed with the vehicle. So I popped into the Dealer Principles office and politely informed him of my intention to reject the car.

Now I never involved LRCRC, but the dealership let me keep the car for another 5 months until I collected my new RRS. My wife refused to drive it during this time and I was only in the country for 2 of the 5 months. When my new car arrived at the dealership my wife dropped my old RRS (nicknamed “Squeaky”) and just drove away in my new one.

We did have a very good relationship with the dealership, which no doubt helped, but I don’t think that you need to involve solicitors unless the dealership refuses point blank to acknowledge rejection of your car.

Over on the D5 forum there has been a run of owners rejecting their new Disco’s due to oil dilution problems. In many cases LRCRC have assisted them, so I would push hard for them to do the same for you!

What a worrying time eh? Problems with engines, electrics and braking systems across their entire range but they still manage to launch a new Evoque as if everything is perfect?🤨

Post #496519 24th Nov 2018 9:20pm
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