G4 - good choice!
It was all a bit serendipitous really. I was ok with the Disco, but of was always just a car to me.
Wife had a check light come on in her CMAX and took it to the local little garage we always use for non-LR specialist work and MOT's.
While they read and checked the fault codes she saw the RR on the forecourt and mentioned it to me over the weekend. So come Monday we had a toodle to the garage and I gave it a good look over, asked for a price to change, liked the price and did the desk there and then...
So wasn't even looking really, but the right car at the right price at the right time!
She found me!
I've had LR vehicles for years and years, from series LR's through Discos and FullFats.
V happy with this one. Drives beautifully and quicker on her toes than the last L322 I had (2004, 4.4 petrol V .