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Member Since: 22 Jan 2016
Location: Yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Santorini Black
Warranty Query

Hi folks, I'm currently scoping out changing my trusty 2002 TD6 for a 2012 L322 TDV8 4.4.

I have an option on a 2012 Westminster with circa 37k miles on the clock and full history with services having been done annually rather than on mileage.

The car is being offered via Evans Halshaw (I have paid a reserve deposit pending a viewing and decision).

There isn't to my knowledge any details of warranty work or some of the common issues being attended to (o rings, turbo drain etc) and with the low mileage some of these issues might not have manifested yet.

I plan on using the car extensively through mainland Europe on drives down to Spain etc so obviously want it reliable.

Unlike Landrover who seem to offer two years on approved used warranty, if I purchase this car it will have nothing more that three months "warranty" and statutory cover under Sale Of Goods Act etc but in reality with EH I would anticipate being on my own in the event of issues arising.

Question is, does anyone have a recommendation for a good quality and good value warranty product which would provide European cover and is suitable for the L322?

Not sure if it is possible to purchase a Landrover warranty as a private customer or if there are any particular independent products out there that members have experience with and are actually worth more than the paper they're written on !

Thanks in advance.


Dave. Current
2016 MY L405 SDV8
2018 VW Golf GT EVO
2001 BMW Z3 2.2
2002 L322 TD6
2004 Mercedes R230 SL350
1994 993 Carrera
Range Rover P38 x3
Range Rover 3.9 EFI

Post #478929 20th May 2018 6:05am
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i bought my westie as a LR used approved with a two year warranty and i’m glad i did..
i had the turbo drain mod, new oil cooler and a new turbo feed pipe all replaced under warranty....

my warranty runs out on the 17th on this month and i’ve renewed it for another year...i think i’ve had all the ‘usual’ failures rectified on mine so i probably won’t need this new warranty but it’s peace of mind for me.. ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #478932 20th May 2018 6:35am
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Dave that one sounds nice. I've not seen such a low miler for sale in the past year. Downside is at 37k some of the typical issues may not have reared yet.

The issues Stan has had done are typical:

Turbo drain mod
Oil Cooler
Oil feed pipe (very easy fix)

In addition the starter can go. Alternators sometimes too. There was also a brake line/hose recall.

I'd interrogate the service and ring the stamps. If they're friendly they'll rattle off the service items over the phone (but unlikely they'll send you a copy) and then you can note down what's been done.

If these items have been done then you could just take out euro roadside cover which'd be a lot cheaper than a warranty.

Don't forget to check the rear arches for rust and tailgate. If you can view it up on a ramp it would be good - look for oil leaks as the 4.4s are a bit prone to small leaks but the dealer may have cleaned the underside of the tray (but not the engine size of the tray) so have a good look if you can.

Good luck, post up some pics! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Cheers, Greg
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #478934 20th May 2018 6:56am
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Baltic Blue

Member Since: 13 Aug 2015
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Baltic Blue

Like Stan, mine came with the 2 year Approved Warranty, but I opted not to extend it.
My main thinking was, I am used to doing my own annual services and intend to over service it by doing 6 monthly oil and filter changes. The money saved on MD services and warranty premiums will be put into a “slush fund” to pay for any work that is beyond me.
I regularly complete long European holiday trips and just pay for Green Flag European Breakdown cover to provide the peace of mind factor.
I am driving down to the Algarve in September. Thumbs Up Thumbs Up G reg 2.5VM Vogue Portofino red 1991- 1999
V reg 2.5td P38 Rioja red 1999- 2006
53 reg td6 Vogue Oslo blue 2006- 2015
11 reg 4.4 TdV8 Vogue SE. Baltic blue 2015- date.

Post #478936 20th May 2018 7:00am
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Member Since: 25 Nov 2015
Location: Essex
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Santorini Black

LR give a two-year warranty on cars no more than five years old so if a dealer was selling that car, they would likely offer you a one year dealership warranty.

You can purchase a genuine LR extended warranty from a dealership (circa £1600 p.a) but if the car has spent anytime outside the LR system, the dealer will require an inspection the cost for which some will waive if the extended warranty is purchased, I think I read on a post somewhere on here.

Post #478938 20th May 2018 7:38am
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i forgot, it also had a new starter motor fitted...

what mike (baltic blue) is doing is an excellent idea, sorting the oils and having funds set aside for eventualities but i’m a worrier Crying or Very sad hence the renewal... ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #478966 20th May 2018 1:04pm
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Member Since: 14 Apr 2015
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Scotland 2017 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Corris Grey

It sounds like you will mainly use the WM for longer journeys, with potential for getting the revs above 2,500 e.g. overtaking slower traffic. My 2012 WM had mainly that kind of use. It didn't have the turbo drain mod and I never had any smoke off it. So maybe you won't need that.

Other things to consider are
- does it have swollen wheel nuts? Mine did, replaced under warranty, worth checking as if you get a puncture you'll maybe not get the brace over the nuts to get the wheel off;
- are the brake lines at the back corroded? Again I had a problem with this, they were cleaned up and waxoyled and lasted until it was traded in;
- do the rear shocks have oil weeps? Both mine did, they didn't need to be replaced before I sold it, but were an MOT advisory and are quite expensive to replace;
- the rear brake callipers are prone to seizure, mine had to be freed off every year. But they lasted while I had the car.

FWIW I didn't bother with extending the warranty from LR after year 3 as I was disgusted with LR's approach to wheel arch corrosion. That turned out to be the right decision as all that needed to be done in the next 2 1/2 years was a new starter motor. But my 2004 car was forever needing something after year 5, so maybe after that the warranty is better value. Only Range Rovers since 1988

Post #478970 20th May 2018 2:16pm
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