All working. For the record i'm using..
OEM style cable with 30pin male/female ends
Google Play Music
Notes.. if you are using an iPhone4, the latest iOS available is 7.2.x.x.
The music playing app on todays iPhones is now called Apple Music.
Apple Music requires iOS8 onwards so cannot be used with an iPhone4 with iOS7.
Therefore, you cannot move any new downloads over from Apple Music over to the old iPhone (because you cannot have the Apple Music app).
So even if you are an Apple Music member (£9.99 a month) you cannot use your acc on the old iPhone running iOS7.
I have binned Apple Music and now using Google Play Music, with which you can download using the app in the iPhone4 and everything works perfectly in car with the steering wheel and touch screen controls too. And because i'm using an iPhone as a dedicated iPod, there's now a permanent car phone, bonus.
Thanks for everyones help. 2010 FF 4.4 TDV8 Vogue - Gone
2007 FF VSE 3.6 TDV8 - Gone
2011 RRS HSE 3.0 TDV6- Gone
2003 FF TD6 Vogue - Gone
2006 FF TD6 - Gone
2007 FF 3.6 VSE - For sale
2011 FF 4.4 TDV8 - Current