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Member Since: 18 Nov 2017
Location: Essex / Normandy
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Alistair wrote:

The amount of money I spend, or the investments I make have no bearing on what laws I can break Confused
. Very good! Laughing
I have anyway written off my investment..houses take so long to sell, I’ll be along time dead! simply trying to say I think my view on French holidays would of been different had I been on the wrong end of 12 fines 30 years ago. I’m anyway much slower today than I used to be.

In fact I’m thinking the article might be wrong.... the article mentions that the power to fine for speeding in some areas has been handed over to a private company, and I have a feeling that has been quashed by the courts.

All that said, the nick can be for just 1 mph over unlike the uk where there are tolerances , and hiding is part of the French game- whereas visiablilty is supposedly part of the uk version

O and don’t forget the speed limits are being lowered in belle france by 10 kph on most non motorway roads as of the 1st of July. Make sure your wallet is full and open. Rolling with laughter

I’m not 100 percent sure, but the semi privitasation was widely thought of as a cash generation scheme by the French , hence the aforementioned court issue. Filters are in fact so good that in certain circumstances, when the ambient air is already polluted, a diesel car will tend to extract more particles from the air than it emits. Emissions Analytics worked with........etc etc

He who dies with the most toys wins...

Post #481238 18th Jun 2018 8:36am
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As a slight aside I’m going to France for a flying visit in July and wondering what exactly I need to carry? Is it still the case I need everything and the kitchen sink, and have to wear a yellow vest at all times?!!! "YYS" G4 FFRR
G4 2006 Thailand Support Vehicle - Fleet Number 81

Post #514515 7th May 2019 8:16am
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Member Since: 09 Jun 2014
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You need one yellow vest in the car (the law only requires one not as others would have it). You are also required to carry an breathalyser but, this being France, there is no fine for not having one. Confused

This covers it but as above re yellow vests and breathalysers. John
2008 Stornoway Grey 3.6 Tdv8 Vogue - SOLD
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Post #514524 7th May 2019 10:07am
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Member Since: 22 Apr 2014
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PLUS: A red warning triangle is also obligatory. If the car is immobilised and constitutes a danger for other vehicles, the triangle must be placed at least 30 metres from the car ... but this is not obligatory if positioning it would put your life in danger! The car's warning indicators should also be turned on: (in French)
Note: the yellow vest must be within easy reach inside the cabin. (I believe some unfortunate drivers have been fined because the vest was in the boot.)

You can leave the kitchen sink behind!

Bonne route

 It's "bébéchoon", ackcherly, with accents. 'Steve' to my chums.
20 years ownership of Solihull products, ALL GONE NOW, sniff!
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And my 1st Rangie: in 1995, a 2-door VM 2.5 diesel Classic
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Post #514545 7th May 2019 12:44pm
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Member Since: 18 Nov 2017
Location: Essex / Normandy
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Breathalyser is the law, but it’s not enforced /suspended, so despite the AA selling them hard i don’t carry as not required.

However doesn’t mean drinking driving is not frowned on, lower limits than here with very very frequent spot checks, all hours eg late at night we saw perhaps an ambush involving 15/20 policeman 4 vehicles at 11pm on a cross roads in a small village, They are keen especially on a Sunday afternoon post the traditional French family lunch

Where are you going?

Bill Filters are in fact so good that in certain circumstances, when the ambient air is already polluted, a diesel car will tend to extract more particles from the air than it emits. Emissions Analytics worked with........etc etc

He who dies with the most toys wins...

Post #514593 7th May 2019 6:00pm
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