All good then re the code info, thanks.
My LR history consists of 2 110's, then a Disco1 auto when the clutch knee went. I liked simple LR products until the D1 caught fire when being welded for the nth time.
I have been looking at the Gap IID and trying to compare that with the Lynx, Hawkeye, iCarsoft etc. so not sure what to go for on a limited budget.
I'm not certain that I'll actually need diagnostics because there seem to be places fairly near that will take on repairs.
My emergency replacement for the D1 was a Jeep GC 2,7 CRD, but I spent much of the 18 months of ownership driving from garage to garage round here and being waved on. The local main Jeep agent didn't have the official diagnostic tool or many of the other tools required eg the induction heater to free off the tracking adjustment ("If it's a 4x4,sir, we can't do the tracking").
The Jeep was non-standard for diagnostics and I got into hacking the OBD2 stuff myself with bluetooth into a PC and was starting to make a small amount of progress. This stopped when I found that someone in Estonia had developed free diagnostics for PC and Android that was brilliantly simple and effective.
I did find that local garages were very reluctant to believe my diagnostics when theirs couldn't see anything and one even charged for their failed test. Hopefully this won't apply with a RR. Sadly, I'm now too old and decrepit to do much over and under crawling myself.
Sorry for the length of this - just pondering aloud.