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Member Since: 18 Oct 2015
Location: Cheshire
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England 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Corris Grey

Turn it of and on ( the ignition I mean). Same happened to me and it then righted itself.

Post #441860 18th Jun 2017 8:43am
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2017
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Aintree Green

Thank you, just tried and the issue as cleared Very Happy Thumbs Up

As usual the good old fixes are the best (Switch it off and then on again!)

Post #441892 18th Jun 2017 1:31pm
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Member Since: 23 Jan 2013
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mine did the same yesterday and has done it a couple of od times, but not enough to
make a thing of it ! frustrating

Post #442700 25th Jun 2017 9:59pm
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1strangerover2017 wrote:
I have just remembered that they had not put in the boot the load retention kit and when I raised they have sent me only part of it and the tension belt does even go across the rails and is too short ?!?

This is my first Range Rover / Land Rover experiance !, is this the norm?

That one's not a mistake. The solid goes all the way across. The belt is intended to sit on one side or the other. If using the belt and the solid divider at the same time, you would have three anchors on one rail and one anchor on the other.

I used the belt to secure a Calor gas canister the other day. First time it's come in useful.

Post #442702 25th Jun 2017 10:48pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2017
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Aintree Green

Thank you for this, on other manufactures I have the same type of system in the boot and the tension strap allows the belt from one side to the other and some tolerance to allow for a shaped object, when I raised with the dealership they advised that they needed back to replace - perhaps they needed to have advised me of its function!

Post #442710 26th Jun 2017 7:23am
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2017
Location: Cambridgeshire
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Aintree Green

According to JaguarLandRover customer services the dealership have rejected my rejection, but I have received NOTHING from the dealership, no phonecalls, no emails etc!

It was only when customer service had rang me to discuss goodwill gestures for the delay as yet another headlining arrived wrong, when I challenged and said I had rejected the vehicle about 4 weeks ago and received an initial response saying they were looking into then nothing further.

Censored Censored Censored Censored Censored Censored Censored Censored

I am sure from the above you get my feelings!

I said to customer services, I might have todo what one other customer did and get sign writing on the Range Rover and park outside the dealership, to outline the issues I have had, so future customers are aware before placing orders of the level of service they should expect?

Obviusly my issues are different to this individuals, also have to think of the way to get maximum effect as my vehicle is aintree green not sure red would stand out as much!

Post #446200 30th Jul 2017 7:14pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2017
Location: Cambridgeshire
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Aintree Green

I have had my new Range Rover 5 months today and still the wrong headlining, I have rejected the vehicle and the dealership are refusing to accept my rejection!

I understand things go wrong sometimes, but they got the order wrong, then when they finally accepted that the dealership had made the mistake they ordered a new headlining, which arrived wrong!, then the next one arrived damaged ...... now I have heard nothing from the dealership, but raising with the finance company (Land Rover financial services) - but the case manager has not spoken to me to give all the details - they have made a decision and determinied it is not acceptable to reject the vehicle and the change of head lining is sufficient.

The other issues I have had

1. Extra large water bottle ordered was not supplied with the vehicle - another mistake as they advised not available for a 4.4 AB LWB, but could not tell me when I placed the order!!
2. Paintwork and upholstery protection have not been applied.
3. Additional LR Warranty sold with the vehicle - has not been supplied as sold and additionally the final invoice does not represent the order.
4. Some accessories still missing and other not provided with the vehicle which when raised, took weeks to arrive, but do not function correctly and one was scratched.
5. The vehicle V5 was registered in the wrong name.
6. Receipt for original £500 deposit could not be located - and still cannot be!, regardless of proof of transaction provided from me from our credit card statement.
7. Significant period of time before dealership took responsibility, rather than blaming the factory.
8. Misleading information given e.g. Nothing can be done as a no cost option!
9. Invoice does not represent order form.

What makes me livid is for 5 months I have been emailing and ringing the dealership, speaking to LR customer service and all I get is we are sorry and will be looking into the situation . Censored Censored you can build lots of new cars in five months, but can't communicate??

When I collected the vehicle the headlining and extra large water bottle were identified as not correct, I was informed the paint and upholstery protection had not been applied and the dealership should have informed me but guess what ... they did not, therefore I did not sign to accept the vehicle as the issues present and was assured would be resolved.

I have NO confidence in the dealer, I have NO confidence in Land Rover, I am astonished that the financial service have not spoken to me before the decision, and when I read other posts on the forum, there are lots ffrr owners having a number of issues. I understand I have a right to appeal the decision .. which I will do.

I do not believe that that they can replace the headlining and have the vehicle as it should have been when it came of the production line, as should have been, or that after the change over there will not be issues e.g. rattling etc

Well looks like I will be sending this to the solicitors to remind the dealership their responsibilities, really disappointing as I liked the vehicle and would have been happy with a new build but after this experience time to look for a manufacturer and dealership who can get things right and care about their customer, especially when such significant sums are spent.

By the way love the forum and the support, think Land Rover and the dealerships could learn a lot!

Post #448890 23rd Aug 2017 9:18pm
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Member Since: 19 Apr 2010
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A nightmare for such an expensive vehicle bought new.

I can only comment as a pragmatist.

Engaging solicitors will be expensive, painful emotionally, and take a long time to reach a resolution. Unlikely to be the outcome you want now.

Other than the headline issue everything seems immaterial in the long term? Either live with the headlining or sell it.

Is the financial hit of selling now for the wrong headlining worth it? It will probably cost less to sell now compared with the stress/cost of the solicitor option Wink

Dig deep and either enjoy the RR for a while or get rid and move on.

Again, I feel your pain, as you shouldn't be in this position. MY23 D350 HSE
On my 7th RR plus various other JLR vehicles

Post #448893 23rd Aug 2017 9:48pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2017
Location: Cambridgeshire
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Aintree Green

Hi Phil,

Thank you for your comments and I agree with most of your points especially the cost for the solicitors (hopefully one of my insurances will cover legal expences - fingers crossed ) but the dealership have made the mistake, why should I be the one to lose out?

Also I feel that I have been missold, I purchased the vehicle from the dealership, but never attended so the transaction was done at a distance, the vehicle was collected from the factory and till today I have stepped foot into the dealership, therefore I would have thought there was even more protection - for transactions at a distance, you have made me think more and I am also going to infirm my credit card as the deposit was paid using this therefore I am sure this gives further protection!

Time to put the gloves on and into the ring for Round 3!

Post #448898 23rd Aug 2017 10:16pm
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charlie croker mk2

Member Since: 21 Jun 2017
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To successfully reject any item but especially a car you need to stop using it and return it to the supplying dealer IMMEDIATELY you can not just keep using it ! You might have had a small chance of them re ordering your car on day one as you collected it but as for 5 months down the line sorry to say that no matter how much you jump up and down you wont get anywhere now .

Post #448901 23rd Aug 2017 11:01pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2017
Location: Cambridgeshire
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Aintree Green

Hi Charlie,

I was not aware of this and I was told from the dealership to continue to use the vehicle whilst they sorted everything out!!!! - will need to find the email....


Post #448903 24th Aug 2017 4:07am
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Member Since: 14 Apr 2015
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Scotland 2017 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Corris Grey

Again it is disappointing that your initial negative experience has been compounded by the problems sourcing the right headlining, and the poor client relations performance on the part of the dealer and LRCR.

That said, I agree with the comment above that litigation is an expensive hassle, where outcomes are hard to predict. Some household insurance legal expenses cover excludes consumer contracts relating to motor vehicles (mine does), so it would be wise to check your cover.

If you agreed that the dealer should have the chance to replace the headlining, but did not set a specific deadline, your task will be more difficult, as you would probably have to prove that the delay was such that a reasonable purchaser could not be expected to accept it. You will need to see what your correspondence says. However annoying the whole situation, it might be better to try to agree a reasonable deadline by which the headlining must have been replaced to an acceptable standard, and if relevant, the other issues have been addressed, and that if this is not done you can return the vehicle and get your money back, subject to some fair deduction to reflect the use you have had (£x a mile/day or whatever, not left to be agreed at the time). You might want to take legal advice on your position before going forward, and maybe on the terms of any deal to sort matters out.

Good luck. Only Range Rovers since 1988

Post #448940 24th Aug 2017 12:47pm
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Member Since: 27 Feb 2016
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If the supplying dealer is reasonably close call them up and find out when the Dealer Principal is going to be in and go and visit personally for a meeting.
Threaten to shout the place down and make a general fuss and noise until the DP will see you and do not accept any fob off's.

A face to face meeting can often work wonders but you need to be firm but polite and try and get the DP on your side because you'll get a better result that way.

Rejecting the car after 5 months is not going to be an option I'm afraid so you need to make them fix it properly.

If my dealer did this to my order I'd be on their doorstep in a flash and it would be sorted because I won't take no for an answer with these guys.

Post #448942 24th Aug 2017 1:04pm
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Member Since: 14 Apr 2015
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Scotland 2017 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Corris Grey

I'd go easy on the shouting etc, you'll just get thrown out. After all, it's not the dealer's fault that LR misbuilt the car, or that LR sent them the wrong headlining/damaged headlining. Only Range Rovers since 1988

Post #448948 24th Aug 2017 2:05pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2017
Location: Cambridgeshire
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Aintree Green

Thank you, I had said that I would be rejecting the car in the first month and they assured all would be resolved ....... well does not look like it!

Post #448953 24th Aug 2017 2:38pm
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