A small favour needed please | |
Firstly, this is cleared with Martin and very much appreciated.
OK, some will know and some won't but SWMBO was made redundant at Christmas so after 2 months of having her at home (where I work) I decided enough was enough. It's not that she cant get a job but what she does (Payroll & Pensions Manager) all seems to be in London at the moment. Having her constantly mooching around while I am trying to work is less than ideal.
So, cut a long story short I've set her up working for herself doing outsourced managed payroll and pension services for small to medium companies. We have the 1st customer already which is nice but I need to keep her busier than that. Ideally busy enough for 2 people so she hires someone and thus we can still have holidays.
So, I set up a FB page and am still hacking around at some kind of basic website. What I need help with is driving some traffic at her FB page please. If any of you kind souls (who are actually on FB - I wasn't until this) could share her page in your network, or even just click that like icon thingy please, it would be much appreciated.
TIA. Dom.