Rear side window aerials 2005 TD6 vogue | |
Hi guys, Been having plenty of issues with my range rover since I bought it! most I've found a solution to but this one I'm not sure what to do... Both rear side window aerial terminations have become oxidised/corroded and have come unstuck from the glass leaving no connection, I can only guess due to a badly leaking boot seal and aerial that caused a whole load of other issues, does anyone have/know a way of making a connection again? Ive tried soldering but the flux builds up on the glass and the solder wont sit...hoping its not a case of new rear windows as I cant imagine they are cheap! also can anyone confirm which aerials do what? I still get radio which from what ive seen comes from the rear window heating element
Not the best photos in the world but the brown tape at the bottom of the window is holding the cables down on the drivers side is appears the middle amplifier is missing?! but there arnt any wires coming from the loom so guess there didn't need to be one there 