any ideas regarding a diesel smell I have when is heat up and I get a whiff of diesel when getting out when parked up. I have leaky injector 2 is very slightly leaking i.e. very small amount leaking (very small bubble of diesel) from top of injector when engine ticking over, but I didn't think it may be enough for smell? also I have noticed the fuel cooler radiator always seems to be wet when I go underneath.
1) What is directly above the fuel cooler that could be leaking diesel?
2) Possible that the diesel from injector 2 is dripping down?
3) Could the actual fuel cooler be leaking itself. On this note what are the four pipes connected to the fuel cooler for?
4) The wet patches, seem to be mostly on the drivers side of the engine when lying on the floor looking up that I am assuming are diesel ... any other suspects i could check?