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Member Since: 07 Dec 2009
Location: Bristol
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United Kingdom 2015 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Baltic Blue
[Wanted] baby seat/pram for 2004 FFRR

First Dolphinbaby due in July 2016.

Anyone want to get rid of their baby seat? Or pram (if it's one of those combo baby seat/prammy things)


Any advice on brands which fit and cheapest place to buy from?

Many thx

Dolphinboy (apparently no longer useless Jaffa w@nker/waste of space)

Post #381157 7th Apr 2016 1:33pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2011
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England 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Giverny Green

You have a pm Thumbs Up

Post #381162 7th Apr 2016 3:05pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2013
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Java Black


With regards to pram/seat combos my experience is go and try before you buy in somewhere like Mothercare etc. Most prams have adjustable handles so you can alter for the various heights of people pushing which is great idea but have a walk round the shop with them. I found that some that felt great stood still when i walked i found my feet constantly banging on the rear axle because of my longer stride which was incredibly annoying.

When it comes to car seats then the Maxicosi seems to be one of the most popular and as a result almost every pram manufacturer sells adapters to fit the car seat to their chassis's so if you are just popping round the supermarket you can take the seat out of the car onto the chassis and off you go. You can also get isofix bases for the maxicosi which clip into the isofix system on the FF and the seat just clips on and off the base. Far quicker than messing with the seatbelt each time and to me seems a firmer and more sercure anchor to the car. The base has markers that vhange from red to green when everything is engaged correctly so you know all is safe before you set off.

Check ebay for car seats and isofix bases - the bases are notmally quite cheap because once you move from a rear facing seat (approx 8-9 months) they become a bit redundant. You can also get cheaper car seats that are still brand new but last years colours - like cars baby seats also get yearly colour updates. Many stores on ebay sell last years models at discounted prices.

Finally if you thought LR were good at opening your wallet you will quickly realise that the words baby/infant is a licence to for manufacturers to slip an extra % on everything they make. I wouldn't change my experience with two children for anything but we quickly realised half the stuff we "thought" we needed we didn't need at all.

Enjoy the experience it's great. 2008 TDV8

Post #381170 7th Apr 2016 3:57pm
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Member Since: 01 Jul 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Zermatt Silver


I have two boys, a one year old and nearly 4. Choose your 'travel system'carefully - it will get a lot of use!

We purchased an Uppababy Vista. Four years later its still going strong. It has the usual adapters to clip a car seat onto the buggy frame.

It was expensive and in all honesty the different systems do much the same thing, but the one thing the Uppababy has which has proven to be very useful is a large basket underneath the cot/seat.
You will end up carting loads of stuff around and a large basket makes your life much, much easier! (just doing a small shop with some systems and be really frustrating as there simply isn't room to transport your shopping home)

We also bough a Mclaren folding buggy (for older kids, 12 months+), but compared to the Uppababy my wife and I both hate using it so it only comes out of the garage for holidays!

We have two cars and both pick the boys up from nursery, hence we needed two rear facing seats. We tried a couple at Mothercare (who were very helpful) and the Maxicosi Pebble seemed to fit the best. Clips into a base installed in your car - we had one isofix base and one belted base - little difference really, isofix maybe slightly better, but both worked perfectly well.

The rear facing seats have now gone, replaced with Maxicosi Priory forward facing seats, both belted - again these seem to work very well.

Jambo is spot on re. parenthood being a license for manufacturers to print money, but it is fantastic! 2007 Zermatt Silver TDV8 Vogue SE - now sold but was a great car!

Post #381172 7th Apr 2016 4:26pm
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
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England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Congratulations James Thumbs Up

But done worry pal... You’ll always be a useless Jaffa w@nker/waste of space to us here Bow down Embarassed Thumbs Up

Post #381219 7th Apr 2016 10:37pm
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