If the thread starter is buying an early model, then it's just a BMW with a nice suit on anyway.
I think there are many DIY servicing people on here, like me, and we all are a bit shy of going over to the dark side and a new unfamiliar car manufacturer, but as said earlier, they are all DIY fixable, provided you read up and gather many experiences from forum(s) and make your own judgement.
I would suggest you buy a typical diagnostic tool for about £300. Many here will champion its merits, and it's pretty good value. Just don't but the typical all makes cheap OBD 'short' version.
Don't go and buy the first one you see, unless you have at least looked round a few others, just to get the smile off your face for a short while.
Consider your typical mileage, and buy the fuel type you think you will be happy with. As each have their own 'stories'
Try to make sure you are really happy with its diving, and gear changes, and it's not dripping any fluids, whilst ticking over for a good half hour. Laying on you side with a torch under the sump will tell you more than looking at the shiny bodywork.
Service history in your hand is so more reassuring than -' it got lost, you can get a copy' etc.
Cars without history, should be far less, but they don't seem to be and are worth a cheeky low bid.
My opinion of jazzy wheels and chrome accessories tell me to avoid, against a typical standard car.
And try and get the vogue model if you can. They are easier to sell on!
(Should you go mad- and even think the worse!)