Strange radio behavior
Last Friday my wife used the car to go shopping with her mother, and to better speak to each other (MIL is a bit deaf) she turned off the radio. When I used the car again on Sunday the radio wouldn’t switch back on again – of course I blamed my wife for breaking it – as you do
I was thinking, that there might be a bad connection in the back, (you know moisture – as I had to clean the connecters before due to water in the booth) and a long run would dry things out – but, no that didn’t happen. Other than me being utterly bored without music, and on tomorrow I have another 2 hours drive ahead of me, and without music is just – well its just no good
So last night I started to pull some fuses – number 49 and 8 to be precise
First to pull number 49, measured it and its fine. However when I replaced it there was definitely a small spark – and things started to wirrrr again after replacement – I didn’t know that 49 had constant power on it???
Anyhow, although I had the feeling that things were ok again, I still pulled fuse 8, but that one was also ok.
Put everything back, and turned the key and pressed the on button on the radio, and he presto!!! It was working again.
As I said – strange
On another note – when browsing through the fuses, I noticed that there is already a fuse in it for the garage door opener. – but I do not have the button for it. I doubt it will work for me anyway as all the new openers are rolling code, and I don’t believe that RR was that forward thinking when they build the car