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Member Since: 04 May 2015
Location: Doncaster
Posts: 125


This is a difference of opinion that really should not be aired here. But if I am reading your very sarcastic comments correctly. I would say that the distribution centres are putting too many parcels on for the drivers to deliver completely in the time allotted. It is a well known get out to claim they tried to deliver. If their hours run out or they are restricted because of delays by traffic. So that given why not leave a note "saying tryied to deliver please contact telephone number,to arrange re- delivery." The address in question had open access so no excuses for not doing this. This scam has happend to me on several occations when I have been waiting for an urgent delivery, so some one, "me" , was at the address all the time. So it does happen. It should not matter what the courier charges to deliver, It shoudnot matter to the driver either if they quote for a service they should deliver on that. Which they DIDNOT. Also the recipients telephone detail were available to the office and the driver. The service offers a collect the same day if booked before **** , which they failed to do. It also claims to deliver from 0700 upto 1900 hrs. This can be taken as if some one is out at work they can still deliver outside normal office hours.
Heck the parcel was not even put out for redelivery.
But as a X delivery driver you would have a one sided view, as have I as a customer.
So that would leave us in disagreement. The post to me has brought to the attention an ambiguity in services overtly advertised and the services as they pan out using the small print or alter interpretation. Which in my case left me perturbed that there was no direct way to talk to an operator/representative of the company to try and arrange either a pick up from the depot or re-delivery within office hours.
But as I said, not one to bore other people with any more. Eddie the eagle watch out 👀

Post #333774 21st Jun 2015 5:15pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2015
Location: Kent
Posts: 1277

United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Cairns Blue

Well I agree, but you are the one who turned this from a post about instrument clusters to a rant about how you were in happy with the courier you'd chosen.

And there is the crux of it, the driver gets too many parcels to deliver, but the price you pay is directly related to this. The more expensive carriers can afford to have less parcels on each van. They cheaper ones are cheaper because they cram as many as possible into one van.

Yes I was sarcastic, but you yourself mentioned how you were highly experienced in using couriers. But clearly you're not as experienced as you thought.

As a side note to the scan saying no one at home when you weren't in, it's also entirely possible the driver went to the wrong address. Easily done if there are two similar addresses in the same postcode area.

Post #333788 21st Jun 2015 6:17pm
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