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Member Since: 05 Oct 2010
Location: Gone Beyond, Subaru
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EXCELLENT new English word: (Read the T-shirt) Every once in a while somebody hits it right out of the park ....... This is not yet found in the Oxford dictionary, so it was "Googled" and discovered to be a recently "coined" new word found on T-shirts on eBay: Read this one over slowly and absorb the facts that are within this definition! I love this word and believe that it will become a recognized English word. Finally, a brand new word to describe our Future.

Post #300349 22nd Dec 2014 9:15am
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Member Since: 31 May 2011
Location: Marseille
Posts: 156


That may be your feeling , but still the richer get richer , and the poorer gets poorer in all of Western Europe .
its a fact that in a way contradicts this " ineptocracy ".

I see where you come from if you are a small or medium size entrepreneur .... and you believe the state is robbing you of your efforts , but a very simple way to control that would be to get the redistribution from where the monney is ... the VERY RICH !! Jaybear

2002 V8 , premier edition , 19" alloys ,

Post #300351 22nd Dec 2014 9:29am
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Member Since: 08 Nov 2010
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Where as I just think its funny.... It's also my feelings about the way the scottish referendum almost went. Previously..
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Post #300353 22nd Dec 2014 9:44am
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Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
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France 2007 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Have to correct, it was a French word play in the press somewhere last year concerning our socialist gouv. .. Embarassed
"inapt" is also English, and by the way, I agree completely with the text.

Post #300355 22nd Dec 2014 10:11am
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Member Since: 11 Aug 2010
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It's a fact of life (however sad ) that you need the poor to make the rich Neutral The forums premier drug dealer and human trafficking consultant

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Post #300356 22nd Dec 2014 10:29am
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2011
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It is sad to see that the original "socialist" democracies that did really well (Holland Sweden) seem to also turn into ineptocracies. The problem is that very few people in a democracy are actually smart enough to see through the slogans and understand what is really necessary to make a country work. This results in political parties tendering for the great majority of not clever enough people but then also follow through on their lousy promises because otherwise they won't be elected into government.

I think the current way democracy works is failing because too many people are voting for unsustainable budgets and policies, resulting in a downward spiral. Combined with an increasingly difficult worldwide economy that is highly volatile creates a very difficult environment to work in.

If you then realize that governments are also populated by "average" people and most of the really smart ones are in business making the big bucks, you are left with a government that is not very good at resolving these difficult problems.

Then it is virtually impossible to make any real long term policies that see any result in the usual election rounds (4 years) and you end up with "failing" governments following each other.

I think that we need a technocrat goverment with smart people (from industry etc.) that sit for a lot longer, non political and also more direct input from the population. For example suppose that everyone can choose where their tax money goes (not all but a significant percentage). So you can choose to send x percent to infrastructure, y percent to police/justice system, z percent to schooling, a percent to healthcare etc. That way you can send you tax money to what you think is important or what you use most. It may actually work in balancing the budget as little money will go to art projects (if an artist can't survive financial, why the hell should he/she be supported with tax money or if the country is not doing well, no more money going overseas for a while etc.).

We need a smart AI that can not start ruling the world (the three laws of robotics have to be hardwired in in some way) and kill us off but makes the world economy work again Smile. And on that bombshell, rant over Smile MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
Have the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme to be tinkering with the settings etc. !!

Post #300374 22nd Dec 2014 11:15am
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