My baby is now off the road - poorly sick.
After approx 30 mins of driving I had a coolant warning appear on the dash on Monday on the way to work. Mainly motorway, but not pushing the speed, 60 ish, about to pull over and warning cancelled, so monitoring the coolant gauge still midway as usual i arrived all ok.
I checked it at dinner time, topped up 3/4 litre until the thing popped up. 1st mistake of mine.
Drove from work down to flat all ok. 30 miles.
3 days later drove into work as later i would be picking up the new spare keys from site member. All ok.
Set off thro London, reached 10 miles and again coolant warning on dash, a few more miles coolant temp went very high due to travelling in slow traffic. Eevry time i stopped -traffic lights etc, went back to middle of gauge. 2nd mistake of mine.
Continued another mile due to only 8 more to go …… then all steam came from under bonnet area.
Stopped and engine off immediately in a safe place.
Lifted bonnet to allow all heat to dissipate etc.
AA called and very nice man arrived soon.
Whilst waiting i thought a fuse had gone due to the radiator fan not running when i checked the temp setting, so checked for fuses blown, there isn't one, read the manual and its a viscous coupled fan. OK happy at that.
AA arrived and he found a perished hose at the very back of engine about 4 inch long, factory crimped onto a metal elbow junction thingy. He temp repaired this - plug and special self amalgamating tape - only temp to be fixed very soon.
So 10 litres and pressure tested ok, i set off to key place, 8 miles. then from there to the flat 60 ish miles A406/M23.
All good, no warnings.
1st mistake when adding coolant - you should release the valve next to the filler cap until coolant runs out ….. basically.
2nd mistake lots of stop starting didn't help cool the radiator like a good mway run.
Anyway, I'm getting there …..
Last day of shift, Friday, driving home around M25, reached J12 and sounded like a kettle whistling. Realised it was me so hard shoulder visit.
Called AA. Towed via truck on back to Local services. Dropped off till a tech arrived in TD6 disco. He thought it was thermostat but could be water pump, then noticed that a small regular dripping emanating from back cover of the LPG pump. So I'm thinking just get me home. I think the pressure has built up and possibly blown a seal on the LPG pump, guessing they using the coolant to pre heat the LPG prior to engine inject ? Prinz or Prinse system.
Waiting to take it too local mechanic 1st thing tomorrow.