Hadley Green Land Rover (HGG) aquired by Cambria PLC | |
Just a quick note with some news from HGG.
Yesterday we were acquired by Cambria PLC, with our Land Rover side of the business being the first LR dealership within the Cambria portfolio.
More information can be found here: www.am-online.com/news/2014/7/8/cambria-ge...ers/36407/
Our trading name is now Grange Land Rover, Barnet in line with the existing Jaguar businesses within Cambria. The team is eaxctly the same, therefore if you are looking for any assistance then please contact either Jeremy or myself at jeremy.jackson@grange.co.uk or james.tayler@grange.co.uk or call 0208 440 8252.
Over the course of the next few days you will see our sign-on and banner change to reflect the name change.
James Follow us on Twitter: @GrangeBarnetJLR 