Prick With Vuvuzela Blissfully Unaware Of Impending Death | |
Sports News
A prick who insists on blowing a vuvuzela throughout the World Cup is blissfully unaware that he is about to be kicked to death by his neighbours.
The man started joyfully honking away on his -trumpet during the opening ceremony and shows no signs of stopping, regardless of the frequent desperate pleas to stop from everyone living within a half mile radius.
“It’s not like he only does it during matches. He does it when he thinks about matches. Which is all the bloody time,” said one neighbour, busy selecting his toughest, hardest boots to deliver the fatal kicking.
“But apparently some people still think this is 2010 and the World Cup is on in South Africa. It was barely acceptable then and it certainly isn’t now.”
“As incredibly irritating as the constant blasting on his -tootler is, it does give us the opportunity to answer a fascinating scientific question,” said another neighbour.
“Just how far can you shove a vuvuzela down someone’s throat before they die of internal injuries?”
"Open Mike Night " sounded like a lot of fun until i found out i was going to an Autopsy