Replacement 3.6 tdv8 rear shocks - OEM or genuine? | |
Hi all
I'm looking to replace the rear shocks on my L322 2007 3.6 tdv8 and as usual am trying to avoid being too badly bled of money by Land Rover.
From my searches I see that a specific part is needed for the tdv8's and that the (much cheaper) shocks from pre-tdv8 models cant be used. Presumably because of the extra weight. I believe the part number I need is RPD500760. As it comes in at a around 200 pounds apiece for the genuine parts, , I headed off to look directly at Bilstein, Monroe and other manufacturers. Searches there certainly show-up their own part numbers but from pictures, they all seem to miss the upper housing or shrouding of the shock, as well as the mounting plate.
My question is this: can I buy a good quality bare shock for my L322 and re-use the upper part of my existing, leaky shocks and in the process, save myself some cash, or should I just bite the bullet and but the genuine parts from LR?
If an OEM part will do the job, does anybody have experience or advice about manufacturers or types to avoid?
For info, I've found the following equivalent part numbers which may or may not be correct for the bare shocks themselves:
Bilstein 44-124748 MONROE D4004 Quinton Hazell 179815 Land Rover 7H42-5B694-BB Land Rover RPD500870 Land Rover RPD000060 Land Rover RPD500270 Land Rover RPD500660 Land Rover RPD500260